Snapchat recently made its AI chatbot, My AI, available to the public, and people are definitely using it. However, if you want to unpin My AI, then you’ll need to pay for it.
If you’re unfamiliar with My AI, this is the AI chatbot powered by ChatGPT, and it’s integrated right into the app. You’ll know you have it if you see a new chat conversation in your feed. If you see it, then you can start talking to it immediately.
It’s a chatbot, so you’re able to talk to it about just about anything and get a human-like response. Since it’s powered by ChatGPT, you can also use it to generate written content. There’s a lot that you can do with My AI.
You can’t unpin My AI unless you pay
This is rather ironic considering that My AI started as a Snapchat+ exclusive feature. This exclusivity netted the subscription service a million more users over the past 11 weeks.
Now that it’s available, non-paying users can use it, but the conversation is automatically pinned to the top of your chat feed. There are people who don’t like that. Some don’t want an extra chat cluttering up the feed, and others just don’t want anything to do with AI.
Well, we have bad news for those people. According to 9to5mac, if you want to unpin My AI, you need to be a Snapchat+ user. That’s right, the subscription that exclusively offered My AI is required to get rid of it.
This might not seem like the biggest issue for the company, but it means some trouble for the app itself. The report states that this prompted users to flood the Snapchat app in the Apple App Store with 1-star reviews.
It seems that Snapchat is aggressive about pushing AI on its users. AI is the next major frontier in tech, and many companies are making a pivot toward it. It’s just unfortunate that people are forced to see My AI when they don’t want to.
2023-04-25 15:08:48