Xiaomi announced its new flagship yesterday. The Xiaomi 14 Ultra is the device in question, and its wallpapers are now available to download. Do note that the phone launched in China, and the global variant is coming in two days, on February 25. That event will be hosted in Barcelona, as part of MWC 2024.
The Xiaomi 14 Ultra wallpapers are now available to download
There are four wallpapers included in this pack. These wallpapers were pulled from HyperOS, which is the leaked software, actually, but the wallpapers themselves are available on the device.
These wallpapers are abstract, needless to say. You can check them out in the gallery below. Do note that the images in the gallery have been compressed, however. If you’d like to grab them in a higher resolution, tap the download link below the article. Do note that the wallpapers are not available in the resolution of the Xiaomi 14 Ultra’s display for some reason, which leads us to believe they’ve been compressed before being offered by GSMChina. They all come in 2048 x 922 resolution instead of 3200 x 1440.
This is basically the same wallpaper but comes in considerably different colors
This is basically the same wallpaper but in different shades. Black, Gray, Blue, and white variants are available, as you can see. Xiaomi uses circles and oval shapes to create an interesting design.
Some of you may see similarities to some wallpapers from iOS, and it’s not difficult to see why. That’s not a bad thing, though, as people seem to like such designs these days, so the more the merrier.
You can download these wallpapers to basically any phone, and then adjust them when you set them, in case your phone’s display aspect ratio is different.
The Xiaomi 14 Ultra is a truly powerful smartphone, and has a huge focus on the camera department, as expected. Four 50-megapixel cameras are used, and the main one includes variable aperture, Leica’s optics are used, as is Qualcomm’s most powerful chip, and much more.
2024-02-23 15:06:01