‘Why she do it so hard?’: Hero mom swoops in with a saline flush to clear her daughter’s eye, but nearly blinds her anyway

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Moms are the best. And the worst. And sometimes both at the same time.

Who hasn’t suffered pain or embarrassment at the hands of a primary caregiver? Whether it’s a public cheek wipe down with a spittle-napkin, or an overly aggressive hair brushing, we know deep down that these actions are done out of love. That’s what I am sure TikTok user @theylovebeautiful is reminding herself right now, while she thanks all the deities out there that her eyeball has survived to see another day.

Sitting in a car with her mom, she noticed she had something in her eye. She turned to her mom to ask her to investigate. Mom was hot on the case, using doctor skills developed over years of parenting. Diagnosis? “It’s probably a lash.” Treatment? Well, like any good self-styled maverick medical professional, she whipped out a saline flush from her purse. Amazing!

This is where the war of Mom v. Lash got viscous. Like a woman bringing a bazooka to a laser tag fight, mom blasted the saline fluid into @theylovebeautiful’s eye, causing her daughter to recoil in an attempt to save herself from the blast. But Dr. Mom was victorious. Lash conquered. Her daughter? Collateral damage.

Comments from other TikTok users did not disappoint. First up, from @justlolamarie, the question on everybody’s lips: “Lmaoooo but why did she have the saline flush that readily available”. @angela_sio chimed in with “I can just picture her taking it out of her purse and be like “I’ve been waiting for this moment my whole life” and I’m laughing so hard”. @lyvis8 said it best with, “perfect definition of “stay ready so you don’t have to get ready.””

Listen, @theylove beautiful. We’ve all been there in some way or another, and we all feel for you. But, be thankful you have such a good mom to take care of you. And you did find an instant resolution to your problem — just like your mom says in the video, “It’s not in there no more.” She’s not wrong.

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