What is the Fruit Roll-Up trend on TikTok?

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Once again, TikTok has found a way to make another beloved food item famous. Well-known for its dances, comedy routines, skits, and crazy transitions, TikTok has also become the go-to place to find unique and tasty food challenges that you can cheaply create inside your home.

From mini corn dog nuggets to air fried Oreos, users have seen TikTokers turn normal food items into incredible ideas that are both mouth-watering and fun to create. Now the newest trend has been circulating on the video-sharing app and it currently includes a throwback to a very popular sweet treat: Fruit Roll-Ups. 

Right now, there are a couple of fun ways that creators are using Fruit Roll-Ups in their videos, but regardless of which way you choose, it seems that no one can go wrong with hopping onto TikTok’s Fruit Roll-Up trend.

What is the Fruit Roll-Up trend?

In the latest craze dominating the social media platform, TikTok creators have come up with a recipe hack for frozen Fruit Roll-Ups. The process to create the frozen treat is relatively easy, as it simply involves unfurling a Fruit Roll-Up and then placing it in the freezer for a few hours so it has time to harden.

The end result? A crunchy Fruit Roll-Up sheet that breaks like a potato chip. According to TikTokers, the appeal of the dish lies in the fact that the Fruit Roll-Up is audibly crunchy after you remove it from the freezer and take that first bite before it starts to melt and return to its “gooey” state as soon as it hits your mouth.

The trend has taken off dramatically, with over 288 million videos, 50 million hashtag views, and many TikTok creators and users praising the dessert hack. 

Naturally, a few users have added their own flavor to the trend, like TikTok user @trinhdoesthings, who decided to take the hack a step further and stack an impressive 40 Fruit Roll-Ups on top of one another to give the trend a try. She also got creative by wrapping other foods within the frozen Fruit Roll-Up, such as a slice of mango. To add a little more flavor to her creation, she drizzled some lime juice on it and topped it with Tajín and chamoy.

How to do the Fruit Roll-Up trend

The process is pretty simple. All you have to do is follow these few steps:

Step 1: Open your Fruit Roll-Up to form a flat surface. 

Step 2: Put the flat Fruit Roll-Up into the freezer and let it harden for some time. 

Step 3: Take the hardened Fruit Roll-Up from the freezer and start recording yourself enjoying the snack. 

Step 4: Find the appropriate sound and post the video on TikTok and wait to get thousands of views. 

Step 5: This is an optional step, but you can add your own personal touch to your Fruit Roll-Up by stacking several of them together or enjoying them with other added tastes. 

That’s just one way to participate in the Fruit Roll-Up trend. Although both versions focus on the throwback candy, this next one in particular takes it back to its commercial roots.

What else can you do for the Fruit Roll Up trend?

Back in the early 2000s when Fruit Roll-Ups were advertising heavily on the television, one of the candy’s biggest draws was that you could also play games with it. One of the few games (and advertising gimmicks) that the Fruit Roll-Up company introduced was the Fruit Roll-Up race, where two kids stood side-by-side with unrolled the roll-up strips on their tongues and raced to see who could eat it the fastest without using their hands.

In 2020, the race ⏤ known as the Fruit Roll-Up challenge ⏤ made its way onto TikTok and became immediately popular for a while. However, thanks to the Fruit Roll-Up dessert hack, the challenge has been making a comeback.

Basically emulating the company’s commercial presentation of the race from the 2000s, The Fruit Roll-Up challenge usually saw two or more friends getting together and attempting the race while the TikTok audio “1, 2, 3, start” (originally derived from Mario Kart) played in the background.

Since its initial appearance on the app, the Fruit Roll-Up challenge has earned millions of likes and views and there were even people still attempting the challenge as recently as 2021. And while other people find the task easy as their friends struggle to eat it at a quick enough pace to win, the challenge itself has led to some funny results.

You now have two options to choose from when whipping up your own Fruit Roll-Up post. And since both are pretty simple to do, you can even mix it up and participate in both if you’re a mega Fruit Roll-Up fan. It all depends on how meticulous and messy you’re trying to get, but don’t waste too much time figuring it out. Get yourself some Fruit Roll-Ups and jump in on the fun.