What Happened to the ‘Button Man: The Killing Game’ Movie at Netflix?

Buttom Man The Killing Game No Longer At Netflix

Button Man 2000AD

There’s been some news about an adaptation of Button Man in recent weeks, but what happened to Netflix’s planned adaptation? Sadly, plans for the movie adaptation were ultimately dropped in 2021. 

It was announced in early 2019 that Netflix would adapt the comic strip with Brian Helgeland’s set to direct, and the screenplay was produced by Matt Cook, Barry Levy, and Hillary Seitz. It would bring to life the comic strip that turned into a book in 1995 by Arthur Ranson and John Wagner.

The Netflix adaptation came after numerous attempts to bring the comic book to our screens over the past few decades. In the early 2010s, Nicolas Winding Refn was notably attached to directing a movie adaptation, although it never came to fruition. 

This movie was one of many set up at Netflix by Matt Reeves, who led 6th & Idaho Productions under an overall deal struck in 2018. However, they’d later move their overall deals to Warner Bros. Television and Warner Bros. Pictures.

Arthur Ranson posted an update on his blog in 2021 confirming that the adaptation would no longer be moving forward at Netflix:

“A week ago I learned that in late 2020 Netflix had dropped their plans for a Button Man movie.

Apart from being a little put out that it took so long to inform us, having read the proposed script I am not overly upset that their film will not be made.

The possibility of a Button Man film has been bouncing around for ten years or so with three or four (I lost track) different companies buying the rights then changing their mind. The experience has left me feeling a little detached from it all – the prospect of our name in lights no longer as attractive or exciting as it once seemed. I believe there are or could be interested parties who might start the magic roundabout again and if they do will, when I know, let you know.”

Although the Netflix adaptation isn’t moving forward, as reported by Deadline in May 2024, David Leitch and Kelly McCormick are in talks to bring the comic book to life via a TV show (not attached to Netflix).

While two of their projects have been released, such as the single season of Away (it was unceremoniously canceled due to poor performance) and Lift starring Kevin Hart, did eventually drop in January of this year but most have had limited updates since their initial announcements, and we presume some have been shelved or limited development. 

Other projects languishing without any updates include Life Sentance from Kaz & Ryan Firpo, We Used To Live Here would star Blake Lively, Recursion, which was a co-production with Shonda Rhimes Shondaland, Last Sons of America with Peter Dinklage, Idol with Hailee Steinfeld, and Dead of Winter from Mike Gan and Sarah Conradt-Kroehler. 

Are you disappointed that Button Man: The Killing Game is no longer in development at Netflix? Let us know in the comments.