Ever since Wear OS 3 came out with alongside the Samsung Galaxy Watch 4, the iPhone hasn’t been supported. That still remains true and especially since there isn’t another Wear OS 3 device available yet. But a new report from Wareable states that the Montblanc Summit 3 will have iPhone support.
Since the Galaxy Watch 4 didn’t support iOS devices, there has been some speculation that Wear OS was just no longer going to support iPhones in general. But that doesn’t seem to be the case. Qualcomm tells Wareable that the Montblanc Summit 3 will support iPhone, and it will have Wear OS 3 installed.
That means more devices could be released which share the same compatibility. And as far as incompatibility goes, it seems that the lack of iOS support comes down to something with Samsung’s hardware or software, and not the Wear OS 3 platform.
Wear OS 3 support for iPhone isn’t guaranteed on more devices
Right now the only brand that’s confirmed support for iPhone users with the new Wear software is Montblanc. And the Summit 3 isn’t exactly going to be a cheap smartwatch. Although if any smartphone users are likely to spend a larger sum of money on a companion wearable like a smartwatch, it’s probably iPhone users.
Still, with the Montblanc Summit 3 being the only device that’ll support iOS, less expensive options so far aren’t on the table. Brands like Fossil, Mobvoi, Motorola, Skagen, and Michael Kors to be specific. As all are options which have generally offered smartwatches under the $350 mark. Compared to the Montblanc Summit 3 which is due to cost around €1,250.
Although only Montblanc has confirmed iOS support with its new Wear OS device, it seems unlikely that all other brands would shut out iOS users. It just doesn’t make sense to have one brand offer support while all others leave it off the table.
For now, iPhone users wanting a new smartwatch will need to stick within the Apple ecosystem. And quite frankly that’s likely to provide the best experience. Just like the Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 works better with Galaxy smartphones.
2022-06-29 15:07:10