Warcraft Rumble season 4 is literally just around the corner as Blizzard plans to push the update out to players this week. Beginning on March 6, players will be able to dive into the 4th season of the game’s content which brings in, among other things, a new Witch Doctor troop for you to toss into your party. Of course, the new troop is but one part of the update. Players will also be greeted with a new season that lasts until at least April 17. With the season going live in less than a day, that means you only have a little more time to get anything out of season 3 that you haven’t already.
Warcraft Rumble Season 4 gives chances to get large amounts of coins from rewards
If you’re short on coins, then playing the game in season 4 is going to be a big boon for you. After the season goes live on March 6, rewards will gain the chance to contain large amounts of coins. This is according to the season 4 patch notes.
Other changes include an increase to Arc Energy rewards, which has gone up from 200 to 1000. Players should be on the lookout for daily offers too. As there will be many new ones to potentially take advantage of. For example, you might see Legendary and Mythic Tomes pop up in the store. Blizzard says this happens very rarely though. So you’ll have to check in daily if you don’t want to miss these.
Curse your enemies with the new Witch Doctor troop
The Witch Doctor troop will let you “find your juju” and curse your enemies with its voodoo abilities and talents. And if you’re a fan of these trolls in World of Warcraft you’ll want to check this troop out. Naturally, the Witch Doctor belongs to the horde family and will cost 2 gold to deploy. Making it a great early-game option as it won’t cost a lot to put the Witch Doctor out on the front lines shortly after a match starts. The Witch Doctor’s ability is called Cursed Beam. Hitting an enemy mini with this ability deals damage over time so it’s not what you want for huge burst damage.
At least not right away. As the name suggests, Cursed Beam also curses the enemy mini it touches, which causes that mini to explode upon death. That explosion will do a bigger area of effect damage to all enemy minis within range. So it could burst down surrounding minis a little bit. To make this even stronger, the Witch Doctor also comes with a talent called Amplify Curse. This strengthens the explosion on death caused by Cursed Beam, and in turn, causes other enemies affected by the explosion to explode on death as well. Essentially, it spreads the curse to other enemy minis.
There’s also the Spirit Ward talent that gives a shield to nearby allies on kill. This will only absorb the next hit on that ally though and then it’s gone. Lastly, there’s the Alchemist talent that allows the Witch Doctor to drop a potion every so often. The first ally that touches the potion gains bloodlust. You can read more about some of the changes in the season 4 patch notes here, and view the season 4 preview trailer below.
2024-03-06 15:07:53