VPN vs. VPS: Know The Difference

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VPN and VPS might sound a lot similar and tongue-twisting, but there is a huge difference between both terms. A lot of people are confused about what they mean, so let’s clear things out for you in this article.

VPN stands for the virtual private network, while VPS stands for a virtual private server. Both technologies provide different services to the users, and we are just about to find out. Before going any further into the topic, if you just take a look at the prices, you will get a rough idea.

For example, go check out the surfshark VPN pricing to get a little bit of an idea. But things are different when it comes to VPS because they are a bit expensive compared to the virtual private network.

Let’s learn the core of both terms and understand what makes them different!

What is a Virtual Private Server?

A virtual private server (VPS) is an online service that provides its customers with virtual servers, which can be accessed from anywhere on the internet. In other words, these servers are hosted by third-party companies and not owned by your company or organization.

In simple words, a virtual private server is basically a virtually allocated storage that is either created on a physical system or in the cloud. It allows you to store your data such as files, folders, tables, etc. You can host a full website using a VPS.

Since a Virtual Private Server provides you storage along with the needed resource such as RAM, CPU, etc. there’s usually a higher cost for that. The company will charge you for providing the resources, but the main benefit is that your site will get all the resources itself without any interference.

How is a Virtual Private Network Different?

Now that you have a little bit of an idea about a VPS, let’s take a look and see what makes a VPN different from a VPS. As you may know, a VPS provides you storage and computer resources; however, it may not be able to encrypt all your traffic. So, how does a VPN help here?

When you use a VPN, your traffic gets encrypted before it reaches the destination. This means that no one else can access your information unless they have the encryption key. Therefore, you don’t need to worry about someone snooping through your activity.

This allows you to browse the internet without losing your privacy at all. Apart from that, a VPN also provides you with an extra layer of security by masking your real IP address. This way, if you are connected to an open network such as public Wi-Fi at a hotel or a park, you don’t have to worry about hackers.

Last Minute Thoughts

We hope if you have made it this far, then the difference is clear to you now. However, if you are still having some confusion then let’s summarize the whole article for you in clear and simple words.

A VPS is basically a hosting platform that provides virtually isolated computer resources such as RAM, CPU, etc. This way, the services hosted on a VPS will not have any issue at all. However, it can’t encrypt your connection.

This is where a VPN comes into play. It encrypts your connection and masks your real IP address. By doing so you will be able to hide your identity online. It will protect you from hackers and gain you access to restricted content too.

Not only this, but a VPN also helps you connect to networks that are otherwise blocked. For example, if you want to watch Netflix on your laptop while traveling abroad, then you won’t be able to do that because your ISP might block it. On the other hand, if you use a VPN then you’ll be able to bypass those restrictions.

So, we hope this article has helped you understand the difference between a VPS and a VPN. If you have any questions regarding the same, feel free to comment below.

2022-02-01 15:06:18