Twitter kicks up the fight against AI-generated images with the Community Notes for images. This feature is currently in the testing phase and will help users on Twitter identify AI-generated images. Over the past few months, lots of users have fallen for these images that are products of AI models.
This feature is just one tool in Twitter’s arsenal that it will put to use as it combats misleading media. Some bad actors using the Twitter platform reach millions of users with AI-generated images, claiming they are proof of activities that never took place. The aim behind this effort is to mislead people, and it can be damaging to the global community.
Once these images get to Twitter via posts, it is easy for unsuspecting users to share them with others. This aids the misleading information spreading like wildfire, hence brewing false ideas of an individual or group. Twitter Community Notes for images is now here to combat the spread of such images to millions of people making use of the social media platform.
Twitter aims to curb the spread of AI-generated images with the Community Notes for Images feature
The Twitter Community Notes page recently put out a post that addresses AI-generated images. These types of images are becoming more rampant on the social media platform and tend to mislead lots of users. Twitter has taken note of this and they are now giving a group of users the ability to flag down this type of posts for other users’ awareness.
At this moment, it is easy for an ill-meaning Twitter user to use any AI model to generate a photo of whatever. All they need to do is describe what the photo should look like and what elements it should possess. The AI model then gets to work and produces an almost realistic image based on the users’ specifications.
Armed with this image, the ill-meaning user can then post the image on Twitter with a misleading description. Other users of Twitter that get to see this post might believe the misleading description and retweet or like the post, hence spreading it to millions. Now, Twitter is giving contributors on their platform the ability to flag down these misleading AI-generated images and videos.
With the Twitter Community Notes for images, contributors with high ratings will be able to flag down AI-generated images. Currently, this feature is in its testing phase and lets contributors flag these images down for other users. To flag these images down, contributors with high ratings will add descriptions to the image that’d be visible to other Twitter users.
Once the descriptions are set, the Twitter algorithm matches all posts of that image on the platform with the description. If another user posts the image again, it will pop up with the description, flagging it down as an AI-generated image. However, this feature needs to perform well during tests before it becomes available to the public.
2023-05-31 15:05:25