Super Meat Boy Forever will test your patience for only $0.99

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Do you remember Super Meat Boy, the game for Xbox 360 that came out what feels like forever ago? If you don’t, it was a tough as nails game that ground you down till there was potentially nothing left of your sanity. Initially it released on the Xbox 360 back in 2010, and it then later came to PS4, PS Vita, Wii U, Windows, Linux, Mac, and eventually Nintendo Switch.

Even if you never played it with its original release, chances are you may have seen or experienced in some form. Now Super Meat Boy is back to test your patience in Super Meat Boy Forever, the mobile adaption to this popular platformer. And it can be yours for only $0.99.

The game released on April 20 on both Android and iOS, and is a direct successor to the original Super Meat Boy, taking place a few years after those events.

Super Meat Boy Forever changes up the formula

While the challenge is still there, you might notice some things that are different about this game from the original. For instance, the original Super Meat Boy allowed players to control the movement of the character entirely. In this new game, controls are somewhat automated. Specifically the movement.

Meat Boy will now move automatically. But you can still control other things like jumping and attacks. It’s a slight twist but overall still a ton of fun if you like platforming games with a steep challenge. The game should provide hours up hours of fun. As the developers say it contains “thousands of level chunks that can be combined in endless ways.”

Levels are also randomly composed so no two playthrough should really ever feel the same. For $0.99, this is a proper steal considering the level of quality gamers are getting. You can pick it up right now on Google Play, and you can check out the trailer above.

Super Meat Boy Forever

2023-04-22 15:05:28