Street Fighter 6 is officially on the way with Capcom having announced a release window earlier this year. The game comes out in 2023, and it’ll feature many of the familiar characters fans know and love. Including Ryu, Chun-Li, and Guile. No doubt there will be both new and old characters alike. Making for a large roster of playable characters.
Street Fighter 6 is also poised to add in some new modes that make this a game in the franchise like no one has ever seen. Although the game’s release is still a ways off, Capcom has shared plenty of information about the Street Fighter 6 at this point. Enough in fact, to build up a decent collective of details so players know at least a little of what to expect when the game launches.
That being said, there’s still plenty about the game that we don’t know. Any information or features about the game will be made clearer closer to launch. But until then, here’s everything we know so far about Street Fighter 6.
When is Street Fighter 6 going to launch?
Street Fighter 6 is officially launching in 2023. Beyond that, there is unfortunately not much more information. Capcom hasn’t set a specific date of release just yet. Which means there’s a whole year of possible release dates for the game.
Speculation on the game’s release has mentioned sometime next Summer. But those are only rumors as Capcom hasn’t currently said anything other than the year the game will launch.
Since there’s currently no hard date for a release, there’s no need to worry about delays. And quite frankly, Capcom has done themselves a favor here by only announcing that the game arrives in 2023. At this time, it has an entire year and a half to meet that deadline. Which gives the publisher some leniency in case it does need to push back its internal targets.
What platforms is the game releasing on?
Capcom will be releasing its latest title in the Street Fighter franchise on multiple platforms. This includes PC, PS4, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S. So far, no mention has been made about Xbox One. Which means the game may be skipping it entirely.
That would be a bit strange since the PS4 came out at the same time and it will be getting a copy. But as it stands it looks like the Xbox One may be left out.
Where is the game launching?
Capcom has confirmed that Street Fighter 6 will be launching globally. It doesn’t mention countries specifically. However, we can expect the game to be released in the US, UK, Europe, Southeast Asia, Japan, and numerous other regions. It should also release in all regions at the same time. As is pretty common with global game releases these days.
Who’s in the roster of playable characters?
At this point in time Capcom has only confirmed a handful of playable characters. Altogether there have been 5 characters confirmed. But there will eventually be a huge selection of characters to choose from. Capcom says that the roster in Street Fighter 6 will be bigger than in Street Fighter 5. Which had 46 characters by the time the last one was added.
Capcom is unlikely to release all of them at the same time however. And instead it will probably release them as continual DLC like it did with the last game. Nintendo has done a similar thing with Super Smash Bros. Ultimate over the years.
Here are the currently confirmed characters for Street Fighter 6 that will be available to play at launch.
Back around the beginning of June there was also a leaked list of the full launch roster. This isn’t a confirmed list by Capcom, so there’s no guarantee that every character will be included. But we’ll list them below to give you an idea of who you might be able to expect. In addition to the 6 characters above, players may also be able to choose from the following:
- Ken
- Blanca
- Zangief
- Dhalsim
- E. Honda
- Cammy
- Dee jay
- Rashid
- Juri
- Ed
- Akuma
- Marisa
- Mimi
- Lily
- JP
- Kimberly
- A.K.I.
With the leaked list and the 5 confirmed by Capcom, it would appear players will have 21 characters to choose from when Street Fighter 6 launches next year. You can view the character designs along with each character via this tweet from *KatGamer12* on June 3.
Street Fighter 6 gameplay and what to expect
Capcom isn’t going to be drastically changing the gameplay of Street Fighter with the release of Street Fighter 6. It is however making some adjustments and even adding in some new features. Features that are sure to keep people talking about the game and the franchise. Not to mention maybe even set a precedent for future fighting games.
When you get right down to it, Street Fighter 6 is a fighting game. So of course there will be fighting like you’ve always expected from a game in the Street Fighter series. But Capcom is also bringing in some new gameplay mechanics by way of the two new modes.
World Tour
Capcom is being tight-lipped on this one so there’s not a whole lot known about the new World Tour mode just yet. What we do know is that this is going to be something fairly unconventional for the fighting game genre. And for the Street Fighter franchise as a whole.
World Tour will allow players to run around Metro City in a single player experience to explore and “leave their legacy with their player avatar.” Presumably this means you’ll be able to customize your player avatar to make it your own and give it a unique look.
It’s also quite possible that since this is a single-player story mode, players will have some sort of progression they can work towards. Although Capcom hasn’t shared too many details, from the teaser trailer it’s clear Metro City is a large explorable space. Players can run around the city down alley ways, climb ladders to get on top of buildings, and fight NPC characters that inhabit the city.
It hasn’t been confirmed that you will be able to create your own fighter, but this very much appears to be the case. World Tour may also have its own unique narrative that unfolds as you progress through the mode.
Battle Hub
Capcom hasn’t shared any detailed information on Battle Hub yet. Other than the fact that the mode exists, there’s nothing known about the mode aside from Capcom’s brief statement about it. Which says that the Battle Hub is the ultimate place for players to seek out friendly rivalries.
To us, that sounds like it’ll be an area where players who have gone through World Tour and “left their legacy with their player avatar” will be able to fight against other players who have done the same. So perhaps Battle Hub is where you battle other players who have gone through at least some of the World Tour mode.
Fighting Ground
Fighting Ground is just what you’d expect it to be. This is the standard fighting game gameplay that you know from past Street Fighter games. Although it does have some tweaks to make things feel new and fresh.
For starters, Capcom is adding in a new modern control type that allows for moves to be executed easier. Fighting Ground will also contain the classic control type, and real time commentary where pro tour commentators will comment on everything happening during your fight.
There’s also four different drive move sets in the Drive System. Including Drive Impact, Drive Parry, Overdrive, and Drive Rush.
When it comes to the controls there will be two main control types that you will utilize throughout the game. Classic Controls, and Modern Controls. There’s also the Drive System including the Drive Impact, Drive Parry, Overdrive, and Drive Rush mechanics thrown in.
Seasoned pros and longtime fans of the series may choose to stick with the Classic Controls, which requires more complex button sequences to perform moves. The Modern Controls are there for anyone who wants easier execution. Also worth noting is that it might be a good idea for newcomers to the fighting genre to start with Modern Controls and then once they’ve gotten the hang of things, change to Classic Controls where they can expand their skills.
Classic Control Type
This is the traditional 6-button layout of Street Fighter. If you’ve played past games, then this should feel like home to you and it’ll likely be what you enjoy using most. Though we’d still encourage you to check out Modern Controls just in case.
Those who play at a high level and want more control over their character should choose this control type.
Modern Control Type
If you want things to be easier, then you should choose the Modern Control Type. Some moves are mapped to a single button and it will be easier to execute attacks. But you do give up some control here. Classic controls for instance let you distinguish between light, medium, and heavy kicks and punches. Modern Controls on the other hand simply provide you with light, medium, and heavy attacks.
So you’re essentially watering down your attack kit some. But that’s the trade-off for having easier to execute special moves.
Drive System
Just like before, the Drive System and Drive Gauge are back. The Drive Gauge is available immediately so you can use it right from the start if you wish. Using Drive System moves though will deplete your Drive Gauge. And if empties out your player enters a burnout state where you get “big disadvantages” according to Capcom.
You’ll need to become more familiar with the Drive System and the Drive Gauge and pinpoint the best time to use your Drive System moves. Sometimes it may be better to save the moves for a more crucial moment in the fight. The Drive Gauge will also fill back up over time.
Street Fighter 6 Pre-Orders
At some point Street Fighter 6 will have a pre-order phase. Right now the game doesn’t have a confirmed release date. So Capcom has not made it available for pre-order. That will likely happen once the game gets closer to launch.
Once pre-orders do go live, you’ll be able to pre-order the game through the Microsoft Store online or through your console, as well as the PlayStation Store online or through the console, and from retailers like Best Buy, Amazon, and GameStop if you’re looking for a physical copy. Street Fighter 6 may also have limited Collector’s Edition copies available, so you may want to keep an eye out for those if you’re a huge SF fan.
Street Fighter 6 Rumors
There are a few rumors floating around about the game that are worth mentioning if you’re a fan of the series. First, Capcom has teased that it has another major announcement surrounding Street Fighter 6 to come in 2022. It’s not clear what that announcement will be about yet, but there’s a chance it could be about the game’s official release date.
This doesn’t mean there’s only one more announcement for Street Fighter 6 this year. Capcom could have other smaller announcements planned. For example, announcements about new fighters joining the roster.
There’s also another rumor that Street Fighter 6 may be running on the RE Engine. The RE Engine is what Capcom has been using for its more recently released AAA game titles. Such as Resident Evil Village, Monster Hunter Rise, and Devil May Cry V. It wouldn’t be too shocking to learn that it plans to use the RE Engine for one of its other major IP. Especially when you consider that Street Fighter may perhaps be Capcom’s most recognizable franchise.
Check out the trailers
Capcom has put out a few trailers for the upcoming game and is bound to put out more the closer it gets to launch. You can check out each of the currently available trailers for Street Fighter 6 below, including a teaser, an announcement, and some gameplay videos showing off some of the game’s different characters and features.
More trailers will pop up over time leading up to the game’s release. So look out for those here as we’ll be adding the more important ones.
2022-06-30 15:08:11