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Sometimes it’s amazing just how much a children’s show can touch the hearts of viewers, even years after when they become adults. Nick Jr. released a video of the original host of Blue’s Clues, Steve Burns, talking to fans for the 25th anniversary of the series and it’s an absolute tear-jerker.
He talks about the canonical reasons he left the show back in 2002 after his amazing run of over 100 episodes and encouraged fans to be proud of the achievements they have achieved since they were kids.
“I guess I just wanted to say that after all these years I never forgot you… Ever. And I’m super glad we’re still friends.
Of course, this has lead to some incredibly heartfelt reactions on Twitter with long-time fans of the series chiming in on just how much their time with Steve back in the day meant to them.
One thing is for sure: we never forgot you either Steve, how could we? We can only hope the team creating Blue’s Clues keeps dropping such incredibly wholesome content for us all to enjoy.