‘Secret Invasion’ fans refuse to believe that a key character’s story is over

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This article contains spoilers for Secret Invasion episode 3

Three episodes in, and Secret Invasion has firmly established itself as a slow-burn espionage drama, ditching cape-stuffed set pieces in favor of tense conversations, interrogations and furtive phone calls. This is the world Nick Fury operates in, and the closing moments of this week’s installment reminded us just how deadly it can be.

Emilia Clarke’s G’iah has been one of the major players in Secret Invasion. She’s the daughter of Talos, but signed up to Gravik’s rebel cause after feeling betrayed by Fury’s broken promises. Her split allegiance proved to be her downfall, with Talos’ plea for the codeword to stop the nuclear strike making her betray Gravik and forcing her to flee his compound.

Her escape was cut short by Gravik himself, who unceremoniously shot her in the chest. She transformed into her Skrull form and apparently died on the spot, but many fans refuse to believe this is really the end of G’iah.

Secret Invasion
Image via Disney Plus

Theories range from G’iah being prepared for the bullet and faking her death by shifting into Skrull form (though we suspect Gravik would see right through that), that she’s secretly infused herself with Extremis to survive injuries, or simply that she’s wearing a bulletproof vest and is faking the injury.

Fans also point out that there are shots of Emilia Clarke in the trailers that haven’t yet been seen in the show, indicating that she’ll be back in some form. One interesting wrinkle is that G’iah’s human form is a real person – Abigail Brand. Perhaps Clarke will return as this character?

There are also unhappy rumblings that in just three episodes Secret Invasion has “fridged” two women – Maria Hill and G’iah. Here’s hoping this is indeed a fakeout.