If rumors are accurate, Samsung is less than a month from its next major hardware launch. The company plans to hold a Galaxy Unpacked event in Paris, France on July 10. The event will bring the Galaxy Z Fold 6, Galaxy Z Flip 6, Galaxy Watch 7, Galaxy Watch Ultra, Galaxy Buds 3 Pro, Galaxy Ring, and probably more products. In anticipation, the Korean firm has started putting up official support pages for the devices. The upcoming foldables just got support pages on Samsung’s website.
Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Flip 6 get official support pages
Samsung has published support pages for the Galaxy Z Fold 6 on its official websites in India and the UAE. In both regions, the foldable is listed with the model number SM-F956B/DS. It’s the dual-SIM variant of the device’s global version—the US version has the model number SM-F956U. The listing on Samsung UAE’s website also mentions the product name, i.e., Galaxy Z Fold 6. As expected, the support pages aren’t fully developed and don’t contain any other information.
The same goes for the Galaxy Z Flip 6, which also picked up an official support page on Samsung UAE’s website. The listing is for the global version (SM-F741B/DS) and comes complete with its name. These pages are usually an indication of a nearing launch of the device. Samsung starts developing the pages early so they are ready when the product goes official. These foldables will soon receive similar support pages on the company’s website in other regions, including the US.
As said earlier, Samsung’s next Galaxy Unpacked may take place on July 10 (awaiting official confirmation). The Korean firm is going to Paris because France is hosting the Summer Olympics this year. The mega sporting event begins on July 26 with Samsung as one of its biggest global sponsors—the company has been an Olympic sponsor for several decades. It would be looking to maximize promotion opportunities for the new products when the city is thronged by the Olympic crowd.
Both new foldables may see a price increase
Leaks have revealed a lot of things about the Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Galaxy Z Flip 6. The new foldables aren’t getting many major hardware upgrades (Fold may get fewer notable upgrades than Flip). However, they might still cost more than their respective predecessors. Rumors say Samsung will increase the prices by $100 across the board. It’s unclear if the rumored price hike will be global, though. We should get a clearer picture closer to the launch event next month.
2024-06-15 15:06:30