As speculated in November last year, Samsung is launching the Galaxy A54 5G earlier than usual. The new mid-range will debut on 18th January 2023 in India. The company has announced this on a new microsite featuring the tagline “Amp Your Awesome 5G.”
Samsung‘s microsite doesn’t explicitly mention that it will launch the Galaxy A54 5G on the said date. It’s a “notify me” page that reads: Get the new Galaxy A and experience 5G the awesome way on 18th Jan 12 PM. While that may refer to the entire 2023 Galaxy A lineup, including the newly-launched Galaxy A14 5G, the webpage also teases some specs and features of the device that will debut later this month. And there are enough hints of it being the Galaxy A54 5G. The Galaxy A34 5G could also be part of this event, though.
Samsung teases its upcoming Galaxy A smartphone before launch
Samsung says the new phone will come in an “exciting range of colors,” including Awesome Black, Awesome Burgundy, and Awesome Green. The handset will feature a 6.6-inch full HD display with a 120Hz refresh rate. Other teased features include OIS (Optical Image Stabilization) support for the rear camera, the latest Android-based One UI software, a powerful 5G processor with 8GB of RAM, and an AI-powered intelligent battery that can keep the phone going for up to two days on a single charge.
All this is enough to tell you that Samsung is talking about the Galaxy A54 5G, which we exclusively leaked recently. Perhaps it may be referring to multiple Galaxy A models, including the Galaxy A14 5G and Galaxy A34 5G. The former debuted at CES 2023 a few days back. The company may now be preparing to formally introduce the affordable 5G handset to its Indian consumers. Commercial 5G networks launched in the country a few months ago. So the device may find a good number of buyers.
As said earlier, the Galaxy A54 5G is arriving sooner than usual. The Galaxy A53 5G debuted in March last year, alongside the Galaxy A33 5G and Galaxy A73 5G. And as you might have noticed, we didn’t mention a Galaxy A74 5G as part of Samsung’s 2023 mid-range portfolio. That’s because this model stands canceled as of now. The Korean firm wants to make the Galaxy A5x lineup its most expensive and premium mid-range model. The Galaxy S22 FE will reportedly sit between the Galaxy A54 5G and Galaxy S23 this year.
2023-01-09 15:06:12