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Having become one of Netflix’s most-watched original shows of all time twice over, and then embarking on a lengthy absence from screens since the last batch of episodes dropped in June of 2021, there’s a massive amount of pressure on Lupin: Part 3 to pick up right from where it left off by delivering a light, breezy, and fleet-footed crime caper that further backs up its unexpected credentials as a marquee property for the streaming service.
This time around, though, Omar Sy’s gentleman thief Assane Diop has to tackle an altogether different type of mystery, one that’s embedded decades in his past. Toeing the line between what audiences have come to expect from the series and a much-needed evolution of the standard formula, Part 3 heads out in several new creative directions without sacrificing the twinkle in its eye or spring in its step that made it such a juggernaut to begin with.

Having exiled himself from his wife and son to secure their safety at the end of Part 2, the notorious thief is inevitably drawn back to Paris with plans to disappear and start a new life as a family. Of course, the ghosts of Assane’s past are always lurking in the shadows, and there are even several new ones thrown in for good measure to ladle mystery on top of intrigue, without forgetting about the impeccably-staged heists, revelations, and rug-pulls that have always been Lupin‘s stock-in-trade.
The most-wanted fugitive in all of France returning to his old stomping ground for the fabled “one last job” smacks of predictability on the surface, and while Lupin isn’t going to win any points for originality no matter how hard it tries to branch out in Part 3, it’s never even tried to paint itself as anything other than escapist entertainment. As a result, despite all of the opposing forces closing in, Assane never once even feels remotely like he’s in any sort of real or tangible danger. Normally that would be a drawback, but it’s not as if anybody watches for high-stakes tension. He’s a borderline-unflappable hero brought to charismatic life once again by Sy, with the journey infinitely more important – and exciting – than the destination.

Across the seven new episodes set to premiere on Netflix next week on Oct. 6, the light-fingered protagonist gets caught up in ambitious plans to heist a priceless black pearl, a heavily-guarded Manet painting, and an antique bracelet deemed nigh-on tamper-proof, all while the authorities – and even his own family – remain equal parts confused, perplexed, and outraged that he continues to keep doing what he’s always done, which is tied to an early and ingeniously-executed early twist we won’t spoil here.
Pulling out every trick in its playbook from the Sherlock-esque flashbacks and forwards that show how the impossible events have, will, or could unfold – coupled with 007-style gadgets, time jumps, slow motion, and sleight of hand – the propulsive pacing, engaging performances, sweeping cinematography, and stylistic flourishes keep things moving along briskly, with Assane also carrying on his penchant for disguises that are laughable to everybody except the people who exist in Lupin‘s world.
As always, then, suspension of disbelief is key. Netflix has gone all-in on crime thrillers for years now, and while a huge number of them are dark, gritty, and realistic, that’s a sentiment that’s never been remotely applicable to Lupin. There are fake eyebrows, even less convincing beards, leaps in logic that barely make a lick of sense, and revelations that double back on themselves to offer yet another twist on top, which is all just part of the fun.

A full-blown folk hero this time out, the always-engaging Sy is more comfortable in the lead than ever before, exuding star presence and providing a boundlessly charming anchor that always ensures that no matter how much the story starts to creak under the weight of its own convoluted ambition, you’ll never be less than fully engaged and completely invested in going along for the ride.
Leaning into its increasingly exaggerated nature, Assane quite literally tells the police the exact date, time, and location of his next heist, knowing full well it’ll be guarded to the hilt. Can he pull it off? You know the answer, but that’s not even close to being the point. It’s a hard balance to strike between executing a labyrinthine caper that’s clearly rooted in a reality that isn’t our own without making it feel either too self-referential or tongue-in-cheek, never mind the fact Lupin is influenced by the Lupin books that inspired its main character, so it’s to the creative’s team credit they’ve pulled if off once again.
Sure, the family drama feels stretched too thin at points when the resolution is nigh-on inevitable from the opening frame of the premiere, and some of the extended scenes set in the past overstay both their frequency and welcome, but it’s hard not to get swept up in the joy of Lupin for the third time in a row. If there’s any justice in the world given Netflix’s rampant cancellation habit, it won’t be the last either.
Omar Sy’s gentleman thief is finally back after a long absence, but ‘Lupin’ hasn’t lost any of its ability to deliver a top-tier heist caper brimming with energy and enthusiasm.