PS5 Will Now Support 1440p With Its Latest Update

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Sony is pushing its latest software update to the PS5, and it adds one long-sought-after feature, support for 1440p resolution. While the console has always supported 1080p and 4K, 1440p support was conveniently left out for PS5 owners. But that’s all changing with the new update. The update is also adding a handful of other features like the ability to create gamelists and easier access to in-progress activities.

All things considered it’s a pretty big update for the hardware. And one that console owners are no doubt going to love. There is one caveat though. This is a beta update, which means you will have to be part of the beta program to access it. For now.

Sony will add 1440p support to PS5 for all users later this year

PS5 1440p Support Beta Update 1

Sony’s goal is to make these new features available to everyone in 2022. The company states that it plans to roll out the features in a stable update later this year. On a global scale no less. For now though, the beta software update is only available to select participants in select countries. Meaning you have to have signed up to be a part of the beta, and Sony has to have sent you an invite.

As for participating countries, Sony says that users in the US, Canada, Japan, the UK, Germany, and France are eligible. Which are the same countries that were eligible for the last beta update. To use the 1440p resolution, you will also need a compatible 1440p monitor or TV. And you’ll really only benefit from it when playing games that also support that resolution.

Create gamelists and more

Another new feature being added in this beta update are gamelists. A nifty new way for gamers to organize their game libraries. Once you create a list, you can add up to 100 games to it and you have 15 lists in total. So a whole lot of organization, if you need it.

It’s also now going to be possible to compare the differences between stereo audio and 3D audio. While 3D audio might be better in some cases, you might actually prefer stereo for certain games. Sony is making it easier for players to decide which they want to use on a case by case basis.

There’s new social feature being added as well. You ever wanted to just watch someone play their game for a bit? It’ll now be possible to send party members a request for them to share their screen. Plus, you’ll get alerts when you can join a gameplay session after you join a party where one of the members is playing a game you can join.

2022-07-29 15:06:44