Prime Gaming is Amazon’s revamp of Twitch Prime. The gaming-related membership that it offers to subscribers of its Amazon Prime service.
It’s essentially Amazon’s way of giving back to the gamers with a bunch of free stuff. And it’s something you should definitely take advantage of if you enjoy playing video games. Because there can be some pretty sweet rewards in there.
What is Prime Gaming really though? In this post we break down the ins and outs of the service. What it costs, who has access, what the benefits are and more. Prime Gaming is not a new service. Not really. Even before its name change from Twitch Prime, it had been around for at least a couple of years.
What is Prime Gaming?
Prime gaming is Amazon’s gaming-centric offering for Prime membership subscribers. Before Prime Gaming it was known as Twitch Prime.
But Amazon seems to have felt that more people were unfamiliar with Twitch than people that were familiar. Just about everyone however, knows what Prime is in relation to Amazon. So dropping the Twitch and slapping “gaming” on the end perhaps makes things a little more clear.
With Prime Gaming, you get a series of rewards for various games. These rewards are rotating and are not always the same. And not all rewards stick around for the same length of time as others. But, the rewards are always something useful for some of the most popular games on all platforms. Including mobile.
To put it another way, Prime Gaming is a collection of perks for gamers that allow them to claim free in-game content for the games they know and love to play.
What kinds of benefits does Prime Gaming offer?
There are two main benefits you get from Prime Gaming. Both are equally exciting and span across a wide range of game types and cater to just as wide of a range of players.
The first and most prominent set of benefits is the in-game content. Amazon and Twitch (which is owned by Amazon) give away a constantly rotating set of in-game content. It’s different for each game, and the games included are always changing too.
You’ll see it in the form of in-game currency, some of it being the normal currency you can earn by playing and some of it being premium currency that you normally have to pay for.
Sometimes you get item boosts, XP boosts, and other aesthetic stuff. Such as in-game costumes or gear. Really, it varies. So it’s best to continue checking to see what Prime Gaming is offering. A good suggestion would be to check once a week to see if there’s anything new.
In addition to in-game content, Prime Gaming will also give away free games. This is usually monthly. But it can’t hurt to check more often than once a month to see if any games have been swapped out.
Also, its worth noting that you can only claim the free stuff for so long. So make sure you pay attention to the times. You can currently claim new in-game content for Destiny 2. Prime Gaming is currently offering tons of new in-game rewards like a random Legendary card for Hearthstone, the Splatter Bundle for Fall Guys, as well as new loot for League Of Legends and League Of Legends: Wild Rift, Destiny 2, Riders Republic, Call Of Duty: Mobile, and a lot more.
Free Games With Prime
As for games, Prime Gaming subscribers get access to all sorts of games. For instance, last Summer you could claim Battlefield V through Origin. At the end of July 2021, Prime Gaming gave away Battlefield 1, although that offer expired on August 4.
Currently, you can snag Madden NFL 22, Surviving Mars, Crypto Against All Odds, looK INside, Pesterquest, SteamWorld Quest: Hand Of Gilgamech, and The Stillness of The Wind for two more days. Once April 1 hits though, the free games will be swapped out.
April games & loot
April’s Free Games With Prime will be The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion – Game of The Year Edition Deluxe, Plants vs Zombies: Battle For Neighborville, Monkey Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck’s Revenge, Nanotale: Typing Chronicles, Guild Of Ascension, Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion, Galaxy Of Pen And Paper, and House Of 1000 Doors: Family Secrets.
May games & loot
For the month of May, Prime Gaming subscribers will get a nice collection of titles to pick up for free. This includes smash hit Dead Space 2. As well as The Curse of Monkey Island, Out Of Line, Mail Mole + ‘Xpress Deliveries, Cat Quest, and Shattered – Tail Of The Forgotten King. As far as loot goes, there will be content drops for Lost Ark, Brawlhalla, Destiny 2, FIFA 22, Grand Theft Auto Online and more.
June Games & loot
For June, Prime Gaming subscribers get access to Far Cry 4, Escape From Monkey Island, Astrologaster, Across the Grooves, Calico, and WRC 8 FIA World Championship. All of which can be claimed for free throughout the month. As for the loot, there’s a new Destiny 2 content drop which includes the usual exotic weapon and accompanying ornament. You also get an exotic sparrow and a new ghost shell projection. But there’s also a hidden item. A new really cool emblem that shows up in your collections under the General tab.
Aside from Destiny 2, there’s new loot for Pokémon GO, Apex Legends, Fall Guys, PUBG: Battlegrounds, Roblox, and a lot more.
August Games & Loot
Prime members get a ton of cool new loot for their favorite games this month. Including in League Of Legends, Pokémon GO, Fall Guys, Legends Of Runeterra, and a ton more. There’s also a handful of new free games with Prime that can be claimed. Titles like Starcraft: Remastered, ScourgeBringer, Beasts Of Maravilla Island, Family Mysteries: Poisonous Promises, and others.
September Games & Loot
Prime Gaming is offering tons of new in-game loot for subscribers this month. Including drops for Rainbow Six Siege, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, Call Of Duty, RuneScape, GWENT: The Witcher Card Game, and Guild Wars 2.
As far as free games go, you can play Everspace, Ys IX: Monstrum Nox, Hot Wheels Unleashed, and Earthworm Jim for free until September 30 on Luna, and you can still claim Assassin’s Creed Origins, Football Manager 2022, Middle-earth: Shadow Of Mordor – Game Of The Year Edition, and Castle on the Coast for 19 more days from today (September 13).
October Games & Loot
There’s no new games free with Prime this month (so far at least), but there is a collection of new in-game loot you can score. This includes the LED glasses selection pack in Lost Ark, the Sunset Princess Bundle in Fall Guys, the Prime Gaming Pack #1 in FIFA 23, the Trampoline Bundle in Two Point Hospital, and the October 2022 pack in Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis. All of these should be available for at least another 27 days.
November Games & Loot
There’s quite a feast of content for those with Prime Gaming in November include some excellent free game titles like Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition, WRC 9, Etherborn, Last Day of June and more. There’s also in-game content to claim for Grand Theft Auto Online, Red Dead Online, Apex Legends, Madden 23, FIFA 23, and more. If you have a Prime subscription, Prime Gaming comes with it. So don’t forget to check in at least once a month and see what you can pick up for free.
December Games & Loot
December has held a lot of good loot and a handful of awesome free games for subscribers. Some of the more notable items include loot drops for Lost Ark, League of Legends, Warframe, Battlefield 2042 (ends in 2 days), Apex Legends, Call Of Duty: Mobile, Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare II and more.
For free games, subscribers have access to Quake, Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons, Spinch, Desert Child, Banners Of Ruin, Rose Riddle 2: Werewolf Shadow, The Amazing American Circus, and Doors: Paradox.
How much does Prime Gaming cost?
The service by itself costs absolutely nothing. And the reason for that is because a Prime Gaming membership is just an Amazon Prime membership.
Like service that amazon offers with “Prime” in the name, it’s part of the Amazon Prime membership subscription. Which means if you subscribe to Prime Gaming or to Amazon Prime, you’re basically subscribing to the other one too as they’re just different sections of the same subscription.
All that being said, subscribing to Prime for these benefits is going to cost $12.99 a month, or $119 annually.
Is the in-game content cross-platform?
This will depend entirely on the game itself. But in some cases, yes. It is possible. For example, Destiny 2, DOOM Eternal, and Borderlands 3 are all games which were at one point included as titles that had rewards you could claim.
Destiny 2 still is in fact, with more rewards coming every month for the next year. All three of these games allowed you to claim the content on any platform where you owned the game. So if you own DOOM Eternal on Stadia as well as on console or PC, then you could have claimed the rewards and used them on either platform.
That being said, not all games allow this. Some of the games included are mobile titles. While others are only available on PC or console. With these titles the content you claim can only be used on the platform where the game exists.
How do I know when offers will end?
If you go to the page where all of the offers are, each offer has a date listed with it. So all you have to do is look at the card for the offers you’re interested in, and it’ll be displayed at the bottom of that card.
Using Destiny 2 as another example, the current offer that is available can be claimed until February 24, 2021. At which point it will be gone and a new offer will pop up soon after for the new month.
Make sure you take note of these dates so you don’t miss out.
Where can I claim the rewards once I’m in-game?
As soon as you claim the rewards on the Prime Gaming page, you’ll be met with a larger popup card on the same page that will tell you where to claim the items once you’re in-game.
There’s not much else to it besides that. Simply read where the items will be dropped off and once you launch the game, go pick them up and you’re good to go.
Do the rewards ever expire?
Generally no. In most cases the in-game offers that pop up will be yours to keep forever, or until you use the items if they’re consumables like XP boosts.
But in some cases the offers will be for items that only last for a certain period of time. Black Desert Mobile for example offered some rewards in the past that were only good for a certain period of time. Which meant you had to use them before they expired. Or you would have just wasted some free stuff.
It’s also important to keep an eye on this particular detail.
How do I play the games that I claim?
It used to be that games you claimed through Prime Gaming would be installed directly to your Windows PC. If they were Windows games to begin with.
Now though, it seems as if you will need to download and install the Amazon Games launcher. And any games you claim will be accessible through that launcher. Similar to Steam, Epic Games, Ubisoft Connect etc.
Are there any other benefits of Prime Gaming?
Yes. By being a member, you will also get one free subscription to a Twitch streamer of your choice.
For streamers on the Twitch platform, one way they can make money is by having viewers subscribe to their channel. Which results in the subscriber getting some rewards for Twitch, like special emotes and more.
Normally these subscriptions cost $5. But as a Prime Gaming member you will get one of these $5 subs for free to spend how you like. You will get one per month to use on the channel of your choice. Whether it’s the same channel or not. If it’s the same channel you will have to re-subscribe since it’s not tied to a payment method with auto-deduction set up. So keep that in mind as well.
2022-12-24 15:06:47