Today, Google introduced its latest budget-friendly Pixel smartphone called the Pixel 8a. The phone has arrived as the successor to last year’s Pixel 7a. Similar to last year’s model, the new Pixel “a” series offering comes in a 128GB storage model. However, unlike the Pixel 7a, the Pixel 8a is also available in a higher 256GB memory variant. It is the first time Google is offering a Pixel “a” series device with 256GB of storage.
While many Pixel lovers may have loved the move by the company, there’s a significant downside to the higher storage model.
You can purchase the Google Pixel 8a 256GB variant in a single hue
Like last year’s Google Pixel 7a, the next-gen offering in the pocket-friendly series is offered in multiple hues. Those interested can choose to purchase the phone in Bay, Porcelain, Aloe, and Obsidian color variants. All of these models offer 128GB of storage. However, if you want to go for the higher 256GB storage model, you will have to settle for the Obsidian hue variant.
Yes, you read that right. Google has made the 256GB storage model exclusive to the Obsidian variant of the Pixel 8a. The company didn’t provide any specific reason behind it during the announcement. This is probably disappointing news for some consumers looking for higher storage with this year’s budget Pixel offering.
However, you always have the option to purchase a colorful protective case if you still want a different color with the 256GB model. That said, no matter which storage variant of the Pixel 8a you go for, you will get 8GB of RAM.
The Pixel 8a is available to pre-order, pricing starts at $499
Google hasn’t made any changes when it comes to pricing this year. The Pixel 8a costs the same as the Pixel 7a from last year. The Pixel 8a 128GB storage model will set you back by the same $499. If you want the 256GB variant, you will need to shell out $559 from your pocket.
The phone is available to pre-order starting today via major Google retail partners. The shipping will start on May 14. If you need more information, then check out the best Google Pixel 8a pre-order deals here.
2024-05-08 15:08:38