OpenIA urges US to promote local AI funding to keep China at bay

Artificial intelligence is already the present and future of the tech industry. Big companies have decided that implementing AI is the best way to advance more quickly. The US has always been one of the top names in this field, but China’s fast progress could leave it behind if something isn’t done soon. To avoid

OpenIA urges US to promote local AI funding to keep China at bay Read More »

Google’s search market share goes below 90 percent for the first time

Google is without a doubt the most popular search engine in the world. It dominates other options like Microsoft’s Bing, Yahoo!, Yandex, and others. The company has been the number one search engine for many decades now. However, in a surprising turn of events, Google’s search market share just dropped below 90 percent for the

Google’s search market share goes below 90 percent for the first time Read More »