Marjorie Taylor Greene speaks for, like, everyone when she says Biden’s ‘reckless foreign policy’ is putting Americans at risk

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Marjorie Taylor Greene, in her characteristic delusional ramblings, has insinuated that Joe Biden wants to go to war with Iran, conveniently forgetting that it was Covfefe who, against the counsel of the entire Department of Defense, decided to assassinate the country’s top general in 2020 and escalate tensions to an all-time high since the 1979 hostage crisis.

Hearing Donald Trump speak, you’d be forgiven for thinking this man only wants to collaborate with the United States’ allies to bring peace and unity to every corner of the globe. His entire campaign against Joe Biden this year basically involved yammering away about Ukraine and how NATO is locked in a meaningless war with Putin. Trump is promising to end both the war in Ukraine and the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip, but if you ask him how, you’re going to be confronted with the same deflective rhetoric he always uses to avoid giving an actual answer. We’re talking about a man whose isolationism undermined global diplomacy, including years of negotiation in the Middle East, progress on climate change policy, and even trade with China

In fact, wasn’t it Trump who got out of the deal with Iran (also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action), put in place to ensure they would never be able to develop nuclear weapons? Now, after years of mounting hostilities between Iran and the United States, the former is closer than ever to becoming a nuclear power, with Joe Biden scrambling to undo Trump’s blunder even by means of a direct attack against Iran’s nuclear facilities.

Well, Trump’s most ardent supporter and often-overlooked henchman Marjorie Taylor Greene hasn’t done her homework on yet another issue of national security, which is why she somehow got it into her head that Biden is “fanning the flames of war days before leaving office.”

Someone should tell MTG that Biden authorizing the release of $10 billion of Iran’s blocked assets only happened because his predecessor had to go and ruin everything Barack Obama and his team had built over many strenuous negotiations. Even Marjorie’s following has to correct her from time to time, lest she say something so ridiculously absurd that even the MAGA movement, currently locked in a vicious civil war, ends up shunning her.

Iran is currently leading a proxy war against Israel through its numerous agents in the region, namely the Yemen Houthis and Lebannon’s Hezbollah. The two countries even exchanged direct fire four to five times in 2024, marking the first time they’ve done this in their strained history. Now, with all of this leading to a broader conflict in the region, the U.S. is weighing its options regarding Iran.

Specifically, the government needs to make sure that they never get their hands on a nuclear weapon, which would put them on a roughly equal footing with Israel. Iran’s nuclear program was launched in the 1950s, even before the Islamic Revolution, but since then, the Middle Eastern country has made strides in that regard, with some experts claiming that they’re weeks, if not days, away from building enough fissile material for a nuclear bomb — if they wished to. Add that to their advanced missile program, and you’ll understand why one of President-elect Trump’s first concerns will be to make some crucial decisions about the future of the Middle East.

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