‘Love, Death and Robots’ Volume 3 Episode 7: Mason’s Rats Ending Explained

love death and robots volume 3 episode 7 masons rats ending explained

Love, Death and Robots – Picture. Netflix

For anyone confused about the ending to the seventh episode of volume 3 of Love, Death and Robots then allow us to help! We’ll also be covering the remaining episodes of volume 3 of  Love, Death, and Robots, but here is the ending explained to Mason’s Rats.

Mason, an old Scottish farmer, discovers a nest of highly intelligent rats in his barn. To combat the vermin, he enlists the help of a highly advanced pest control company, with bloody and destructive results.

Ending Explained

Mason enlisted the help of a highly advanced pest control company to combat the intelligent rats that made a home for themselves in the barn. After destroying his first extermination system, the pest control company offered Mason the TT-15, a scorpion robot armed to the teeth to destroy rats. However, after Mason witnesses, the scale of violence carried out by the TT-15, and the rat’s sadness at the death of their comrades he helps the critters by dealing a death blow to the machine.

Mason befriends the rats, and they toast their new friendship by consuming the liqueur that the rats made. In the end, Mason calls the bank to cancel the cheque he made out to the pest control company to get his money back for the TT-15.

Why does Mason help the rats?

As the intelligence of the rats increased to the point where they could use weapons, their emotional intelligence also increased. Mason was witness to this when the TT-15 killed the female rat, and likely the wife, of one of the soldiers.

In the end, Mason realized the rats were more like him than he thought, and all they were doing was fighting for their home.

There’s been more World Wars

At the sight of the destruction caused by the TT-15, Mason exclaims “It’s like World War 4 in here” which heavily insinuates that once again humanity went to war once, or possibly twice more.

Further world wars happening would make sense why a simple pest control company would have access to such high-tech weaponry. Many of humanity’s greatest technological advancements have come during times of war, add in the fact that the rats and other animals have grown more and more intelligent, therefore the pest control companies would need to get more creative and destructive.

What are your thoughts on Mason’s Rats? Let us know in the comments below!