Google Wallet is the company’s main digital wallet platform, and it’s rife with neat animations. They’re nice to look at, but not everyone wants to see them. There wasn’t a way to get rid of them until now. According to 9To5Google, a new `update coming to Google Wallet will let you disable the animations. It also brings some other changes.
In case you don’t know, Google Wallet is a platform where you can store a myriad of digital cards. These include your credit cards, rewards cards, gift cards, and more. Google is currently pushing to let you load your passport and state-issued I.D./driver’s license. The app can store them, and it lets you make contactless payments as well.
You can download the Google Wallet app on your Android phone using the link below.
A new Google Wallet update will let you disable the animations
Fun app animations aren’t for everyone. There are people whose phones can’t really handle them and there are people who just plain don’t like animations. Up until now, people weren’t able to disable those animations.
However, with the new update, you’ll be given a new toggle in your settings. It’s called “Success Animations”. When you turn off the setting, you’ll only see a static image of the GPay logo and a checkmark when you make a purchase.
There’s another new feature on the way to the app. It will let you add barcodes and QR codes from photos. You’ll be able to create a digital copy of a barcode or QR code and generate a pass out of it. This pass will sit along with your other cards.
Google used a gym membership as an example. You’ll be able to take a picture of the barcode on the back of your Gym membership card. When you do that, you’ll add some information about the card. When you do that, it will create a copy of that barcode and store it as a card. Then, you’ll be able to access that card when you need to scan it.
This feature is making its way to more people, so there’s a chance that you won’t see it just yet. Update your app to make sure that you get it. If you still don’t see it, then you’ll just want to wait a few days.
2023-10-16 15:05:02