Google has gotten rid of zero-rating content for storage. That includes Google Photos, and Docs, which were zero-rated for many years. Allowing you to store an unlimited number of Google Docs in Drive, as well as photos in Google Photos. That’s now gone. Which means that you will need to be a bit more cautious of how much storage you are using.
Google gives every account 15GB of storage for Google Docs, Photos and Gmail. They came to that number by giving 5GB to each service. But none of them are limited to 5GB of that 15GB. So you could use 8GB of space for photos and 1GB each for Drive and Gmail. However, those are not the only services that will use your storage. Backups of your phone(s) and Google Recorder will also use storage. Recorder won’t use much, as it’s just audio and/or text, and you don’t have to upload every recording to the cloud.
Note: It’s worth mentioning that Google Workspace accounts get double the storage, at 30GB included for free.
In this article, we will show you how you can check your Google account storage. It’s quite simple to do actually.
How To Check Your Google Account Storage
There are a few different ways that you can get to your storage page. In Gmail, Drive or Photos, you can click on the Storage bar at the bottom of the page. On Gmail, it’s at the bottom of your email list, while Drive and Photos has it at the bottom of the left sidebar.
This will open the following page, which is part of Google One.
Here you can see what is using your storage, as well as ways to free up storage. And of course, how to add more storage to your account.
If you’re near the limit, Google will send you notifications that you’re running out of space. And want you to upgrade to get more storage. But there will be tools to help you manage your storage, by freeing up some space. There are already some tools available, but they will be bolstered in the coming months.
You can upgrade to 100GB of storage for $1.99 per month. 200GB will cost you $2.99, and 2TB is $9.99. There are other options, including up to 30TB for $99 per month. Which is actually a good deal if you need that much storage.
2023-05-30 15:07:34