Google’s latest fine in Russia is bigger than the world economy

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By now, many know that the relationship between the Russian government and Google is not the best. The Kremlin has repeatedly fined the Mountain View giant for issues related to blocking channels and state content on its media platforms (such as YouTube). Until now, all fines represented a small sum of money. However, now Russia has fined Google for $20,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. The company has already received big fines in the EU, but nothing comparable.

Russia fines Google for the equivalent of $20 billion trillion trillion

A Russian court imposed the 2 undecillion rubles, equivalent to a $20 billion trillion trillion (or $20 decillion) fine on Google, due to non-payment of the other multiple fines the company has been receiving. The court’s decision also stems from Google’s denial of requests to reinstate Russia’s state channels on YouTube. Google has blocked official Russian government media since the invasion of Ukraine began a few years ago.

RBC, a Russian news outlet, specified that there are a total of 17 Russian TV channels blocked on YouTube. There are also other related media outlets that have been banned from the platform. Google has not only been blocking official Russian media but also videos and channels that glorify or otherwise approve of the invasion of Ukraine.

Fine greater than the size of the world economy

The exorbitant fine represents more than the bulk of money in the entire world. The world economy is worth around $110 trillion, according to estimates by the International Monetary Fund. Meanwhile, Alphabet, the company that owns Google, has a market value of around $2 trillion. However, Russia seems to be aware of this. A Russian government spokesperson referred to the fine as “filled with symbolism.” So, it doesn’t seem like the Kremlin expects Google to pay that figure one way or another.

At this point, it is difficult to determine Russia’s goal with the fine. Perhaps they want to finally drive Google out of the country for its repeated refusals to comply with state requests. Google has gradually decreased its operations in Russia since the start of the conflict in Ukraine. While many American companies have completely withdrawn from the country, services such as Search and YouTube remained available.

However, as of today, Google’s Russian subsidiary is completely inoperative. The Kremlin has already taken over the company’s bank accounts, so it has declared bankruptcy. Google currently makes decisions regarding its tech operations in Russia remotely.

Google does not fear a real financial impact

Google has notified its investors about the fines it was receiving in Russia. “Civil judgments that include compounding penalties have been imposed upon us in connection with disputes regarding the termination of accounts, including those of sanctioned parties,” the company said. However, Google is confident that it will not have a significant impact on its accounts. “We do not believe these ongoing legal matters will have a material adverse effect (on earnings),” the brand stated.

2024-11-01 15:08:08