Google will now warn you about poorly performing apps before you install them

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A rather interesting new feature is rolling out to Google’s Android app store. Google Play Store will now warn you about poorly performing apps, so that you can avoid them before installing them.

Such apps can be recognized based on the rating system, of course, but not always. That’s why Google decided to take things a step further. This is actually a system we heard about a while back.

Google Play will warn you about poorly performing apps before you even install them

Google’s plan was to collect data about how often apps are crashing, and when they hit multi-second freezes. Google set thresholds for those, and it’s even gathering data on specific devices, as some apps have problems with specific hardware only.

Based on that data, Google wants to let users know they may have issues with some apps. Well, it seems like such warnings started popping up, at least according to a screenshot Mishaal Rahman shared.

If you take a look at the image below, you’ll see one such warning. The game in question is ‘CarX Street’, and the warning below the install button says: “Recent data from similar devices show that this app may stop working on your device”.

Google Play warn app Mishaal Rahman image

This system can be quite useful, of course

Needless to say, such warnings can be quite useful, as long as the system is working properly. It would really be bad if the thresholds get out of whack and such warnings end up popping up left and right.

This will certainly push developers to fix issues with their apps. I don’t expect to see many of these, to be quite honest, but who knows. I haven’t seen a single one thus far, but maybe you have.

In any case, the rollout seemingly started not long ago, so perhaps Google is still tinkering with it. We’re not sure if it started rolling out to everyone just yet.

2023-03-03 15:07:22