Google is once again changing the name of its news feed. The Discover tab is now called “Home” and a new tab called “Browse” is being introduced in line with the Google news feed rebrand. This comes from a tweet by X (formerly Twitter) user AssembleDebug who spotted the change in the latest version of the Google app.
For years, Google experimented with different names for its Discover news feed. It started as Google Now, a feature that presented users with personalized information cards based on their location, search history, and other factors. In 2016, Google Now morphed into Google Feed, offering a more streamlined interface focused on news articles and stories. Finally, in 2018, Google Feed became Google Discover, emphasizing the curated nature of the content presented.
“Home” is where the news feed is, but where’s “Browse” taking us?
The Google Discover news feed rebrand isn’t the only update in store. Alongside the switch to “Home,” Google introduced a new tab titled “Browse.” Some believe it could be a dedicated space for users to dive deeper into specific topics. Perhaps it will allow users to create custom feeds or curate their own news experiences. Alternatively, it might house pre-defined search terms, offering users a platform for exploring specific areas of interest.
Introducing a browse function could be positive for users who find the current Discover feed overly algorithmic. However, Google hasn’t revealed its plans for the Browse tab, and it’s possible that it could simply be a collection of pre-defined search terms.
Overall, the Google Discover news feed rebrand will be a minor adjustment for an average user. The functionality of the feed remains unchanged, continuing to offer a personalized experience driven by Google’s powerful algorithms. Users can still expect the same level of customization and relevance in their content, but now under a new, more intuitive, name.
2024-05-30 15:07:14