Google RCS messaging team blames Apple for messaging difficulties

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The Google RCS messaging team has always called out Apple to fix the cross-platform messaging difficulties. Now the team seems to push the blame on their counterpart for all issues users face. This claim is coming as a result of the recent issues plaguing even iPhone users.

A few months ago, Google launched a program to pressure Apple into adopting RCS messaging. The program brought to light the fact that iMessage forces Android devices to use an archaic messaging protocol. This makes chatting between an iPhone and an Android device a nightmare.

Pictures and videos sent from Android devices to iPhones via messaging are blurry. There is no end-to-end encryption for messages sent from an Android device to an iPhone. Google says that they have played its part to fix this issue, and now the ball is in Apple’s court.

Apple needs to put in some work to fix the cross-platform messaging

According to Hiroshi Lockheimer, Android has fixed messaging, this was re-emphasized in an interview with Max Weinchbach. This fix came with the adoption of RCS (Rich Communication Services) by Android a couple of years ago. With this adoption, Android was able to improve the messaging experience between its devices.

Over the past few years, Android has kept on expanding access to this messaging feature across various devices. There has also been the addition of new features to make the messaging experience more secure and seamless. Now, Android users can enjoy using the RCS chat feature when chatting with their friends and business partners without any worries.

But for some reason, Apple has kept the SMS messaging experience between Android and iOS devices. This is not secure and it reduces the media quality shared between both platforms while sending messages between the two platforms. Despite having a safer and more feature-packed messaging channel, Apple opts to use SMS for cross-platform messaging.

This might be a result of fears the RCS chat might make Apple users switch to the Android community. Truthfully, iMessage is one of the bonds keeping Apple users loyal to the brand. But the Google RCS messaging team says that they have no intentions of overthrowing iMessage as a better messaging platform.

The integration of RCS chat features into iMessage will only give people the liberty to make use of what they love. This will reduce the pressure to unwillingly switch to either platform to keep in touch with friends and loved ones. It will also improve security while messaging your friends that use Android devices from your iPhone or vice versa.

Regardless of the efforts Google has put in, Apple remains adamant about adopting RCS messaging. The ball is now in their court as Google has played its part in improving cross-platform messaging. Now it is time for Apple to put in the work and secure their users while messaging.

2023-03-29 15:09:06