Google shared a way for you to recover missing Drive files, if a recent bug affected you. Before we get down to the actual procedure on how to do it, let’s see what happened to lead to this.
Recently, users started reporting missing Google Drive files. One specific user said that he lost around 5 months of Drive files for no reason. Many more of them shared their similar experiences.
Google reacted fast, and said that the investigation started. It didn’t take the company long to identify a culprit, it was the Google Drive for Desktop app. Google then asked users to take certain steps while the company was investigating, just to be sure they didn’t lose more files.
Here’s how you can recover missing Google Drive files
Which brings us to now. Google luckily has a fix for this problem, and no, your files are not gone for good. There is a way for you to recover them, thankfully, because losing months of saved files is a problem, of course.
Unfortunately, recovering files is not exactly as simple as pressing a button, but it’s not all that complicated either. Here’s what you need to do. After you download and open the latest version of Google Drive for Windows or macOS, you’ll need to run the recovery tool.
In order to do that, you’ll need to click on the Drive icon in the menu bar/system tray. The next step is pressing and holding the Shift key and clicking Settings. From there, select ‘Recover from backups’.
At that point, you should receive a message that says “Recovery has started”. Once the process completes, you should have all your missing files back, placed in a new folder named ‘Google Drive recovery’.
If you run into problems, you can let the company know
Now, everything should be fine after that, but if you do run into problems, you have options. Google asked users to submit feedback if they run into problems. You’ll need to submit it via the Drive for Desktop app by using the #DFD84 hashtag. The company also asked users to tick the box that includes diagnostic logs.
2023-12-07 15:05:59