In a recent blog post, Meta says that the Facebook dating app will begin using an AI face-scanning tool to confirm user age. This improvement is put in place to ensure that all users of the dating app are of age. The verification test technology will make its debut appearance in the United States.
Meta goes on to add that it is working with Yoti to make this service available on its dating app. Yoti is an online identity verification service that uses multiple ways to confirm user identity. Part of the technology made available by Yoti includes AI verification, and Meta will put this to good use on its dating app.
The importance of AI face-scanning coming to the Facebook Dating app
Meta needs to keep a tab on how old people are, as they’re signing up to use a dating app. The set age requirement for those making use of the dating app is 18 years old. Despite this age limit, certain users signing up for the dating app are minors or falsify their age.
To solve this issue, Meta will put into use the AI verification technology of Yoti. This will require those signing up to use the dating service to take a video selfie, which will help the platform determine their age. The AI technology will then estimate the signees’ age based on their facial features. Meta also assures the public that the AI can’t tell their identity, as it only concerns itself with confirming the age of users.
For those not comfortable with this or having issues with passing the AI age verification test, Meta provides a second option. This involves uploading a valid ID that confirms the signee’s age to the Facebook dating app. Users will also have control over how long their uploaded ID stays on the platform.
As Meta begins to roll out this new means of age verification to users in the United States first, emphasis will be on the AI age verification technology. How it works and its accuracy when predicting the ages of signees will be put to the test. This technology will help curb the number of minors that find their way to Meta’s dating app. It will also curtail the rate of age falsification that is common among certain users on the app.
2022-12-06 15:10:55