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M. Night Shyamalan has a new film on the horizon. After almost thirty plying his trade, wrongfooting audiences and bringing a unique brand of moviemaking to life; he is back with Old. A couples retreat movie which draws audiences in and then turns the tables in increasingly audacious ways. Time is of the essence here, as Shyamalan brings together an ensemble cast to breathe life into an extremely personal project.
Featuring Abbey Lee, Gael Garcia Bernal and Rufus Sewell this deep dive into our darkest fears is a return to form. In a post pandemic world paved with paranoia, Old exploits our eighteen month isolation with consummate ease. Idyllic beaches, sun dappled settings and a pre-occupation with human frailties dominate this deceptively simple tale.
Looking back on his other films with the benefit of hindsight, M. Night Shyamalan has always been driven by character. An approach which has seen him take recognizable archetypes and retrofit them for his own purposes. Human connections, grounded relationships and universal truths have continued to colour a career defined by unique perspectives. In a recent interview I had the opportunity to quiz Shyamalan on his approach to film making.

As you expect from a seasoned story teller, passionate film maker and family man his answer was both erudite and enlightening. Following on from that, we took the chance to discuss whether time was a blessing or a curse. As one of the most revered film makers in Hollywood, it was a pleasure to hear him come at such a left field inquiry with candour.
To hear what else the director has to say click on the video above and be sure to check out Old when it opens on Friday.