Dual Wallpaper app can change wallpapers for you

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Most Android smartphones these days have both light and dark modes. Many of you probably prefer having one during the day, one the other when the sun sets. Well, we stumbled upon an app that you may be interested in, if you belong to that group, the app’s name is Dual Wallpaper.

The Dual Wallpaper app can change your wallpapers automatically

This app changes the wallpapers for you, based on your theme. So when your theme changes to light mode, a new wallpaper will appear, the same goes when it flips into dark mode.

You can, of course, set which wallpapers you’d like to be representative of which mode. That way, you’ll always have the exact layout you want. You won’t need to worry about bright wallpapers during the night.

Now, if you do not change your themes, but would still like for the app to change your wallpaper, that’s also possible. You can set a time schedule for the change to occur.

In regards to wallpapers, you can either choose your own, or set plain color gradients from within the app. Dual Wallpaper allows you to use a color picker to select the colors you prefer.

It doesn’t include ads, and it’s completely free

This application is completely free and it doesn’t include ads. That is something many of you will know how to appreciate. On top of that, the app’s design is very nice. It looks clean, and quite straightforward, and it works great.

Chances are you won’t be spending much time in the app, though, but still, it’s nice to see nice UI designs. Once you set everything as you like it, the only time you’ll come back is when you want to change the wallpaper(s) or the schedule you’ve chosen.

Take a look at the gallery below to see some images of the app’s UI. If you’re interested in checking it out, we’ve included the download link below. It will take you directly to the app’s Google Play Store listing.

Dual Wallpaper app (Google Play Store)

2023-11-03 15:08:43