Lately, Samsung users have been missing out on repair options for their devices. Now it is Best Buy that is ending repairs for Samsung devices through the ASP program. Previously, iFixit had parted ways with Samsung due to the cost of parts and difficulty in obtaining them.
Samsung’s ASP (authorized service provider) program turned some Best Buy stores into a kind of official repair center. The devices were repaired by so-called “Geek Squad” agents. Geek Squad is the name that Best Buy gives to its device repair and technical service team. However, the ASP program allowed them to access original parts and training from Samsung.
Best Buy ends repairs benefits of the Samsung ASP program
That said, it seems like all this has ended abruptly. Initially, The Verge spotted some posts on Reddit about the possible shutdown of Best Buy’s Samsung repair program. The source later confirmed the news through a Geek Squad employee who sent a screenshot of an email saying that “Samsung ASP is ending in all SASP locations.”
As mentioned at the beginning, Samsung device users have already lost the option to access official parts through iFixit, and now it is Best Buy that ends the ASP program. Currently, owners of the brand’s products can still go to UBREakiFix locations. However, it is not good news to have lost two other options in a short period of time.
According to the report, the Best Buy page dedicated to locating ASP centers is unavailable. Also, Samsung’s authorized service center locator has already delisted Best Buy locations.

Consequences for users
Best Buy shutting down Samsung’s ASP program has some consequences for users. Before, you could set up a Samsung device repair at Best Buy ASP locations no matter where you purchased it. Now, they will only repair phones purchased at Best Buy for those who paid for the Geek Squad Protection plan. In addition, replacing the device may now involve a cost. The price ranges from $199 to $249, depending on the model.
Official statements from Best Buy and Samsung
The Verge contacted both Samsung and Best Buy for a statement on the situation. None of the responses obtained denied the ASP program shutdown in Best Buy locations. However, they mention being “in discussions” or “working together” on how to handle Samsung customer service from now on.
Mario Renato de Castro, Samsung’s head of mobile customer care, said: “We’re in discussions with Best Buy to determine how Samsung can best support our customers moving forward.” He also added that the company has “more than 9,000 Samsung Mobile-certified technicians in the U.S. providing walk-in, mail-in and We Come to You van services.”
On the other hand, Katie Klister was the spokesperson for Best Buy. She said: “We know how important it is to our customers that we’re there for them with the right services and expertise for their technology, and we’re currently working together with Samsung to evaluate the best way to support our mobile customers with authorized services and repairs.”
2024-06-07 15:08:56