
We want to be respectful of our customer’s time and our goal was to maximise the amount of information we could convey to them about the content, in the best way possible, with the shortest cognitive load possible.

For our systems to be able to recommend a content to a user in the best way possible, we needed to know about their language preferences. We get these feedback signals from the content our customers watch and the language they watch it in. Every time a user watches any content, we rank their language preference based on the watch pattern.

There are also times when a customer prefers to watch content in a dubbed language instead of the original language. They can do so by explicitly changing the language while watching the content. For example, if we played a video for you in English, and you changed the language to Hindi, we now know that given an option, you might prefer watching similar contents in Hindi too. Signals like this helps our systems predict user’s preferences better.

With a good handle on what your language choices were, we wanted to convey to our customers that a particular movie/show can be watched in their most preferred language.