It’s basically expected at this point, that anything Google announces, will inevitably get shut down. And now it’s Google Podcasts turn. YouTube announced today that it is going to be shutting down Google Podcasts in 2024, and rolling it into the YouTube Music app.
Now this makes loads of sense. Podcasts are already in the YouTube Music app, making the Podcasts app a bit redundant. Sort of like having Google Play Music and YouTube Music around at the same time – back in the day.
In its latest blog post, YouTube has stated that they will be increasing their investment in the podcast experience in YouTube Music. To make it a better overall destination for listeners and podcasters. And as part of that investment, Google Podcasts will be shutting down. YouTube says “later in 2024” so it’ll likely be in the second half of the year.
Poor one out for the Google Podcasts app, we hardly knew you.
Google’s not helping their “they kill everything” reputation
Google now has a reputation for killing or shutting down basically every product they have launched. In fact, there’s a whole website dedicated to the Google Graveyard – there’s over 288 products that have been or will be killed, listed there.
This makes it hard for really anyone to invest their time in using any of Google’s products, because it’s probably going to go away at some point. Google said that they were keeping Stadia around for the long-term and then shut it down earlier this year. And that makes it even harder to take them at their word.
Google Podcasts was a pretty good looking podcasts app, but if you’re looking for an alternative and don’t want to use YouTube Music, we do have a top 10 list of the Best Podcasts Apps you can check out. We should learn more about when Google Podcasts will sunset in the coming months.
2023-09-26 15:04:12