AnyTracker app can help you track prices & much more

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AnyTracker is a rather interesting app that we’ve stumbled upon, which can track prices, but also so much more than that. It’s an extremely versatile app that can keep you up to date on various things.

AnyTracker app can help you track so many things, including prices of products

So, what exactly can it do? Well, let me give you an example. I decided to test it out by setting tracking to a price of a product. You can basically get it to track anything. For testing purposes, I chose the Pixel 7 on Amazon.

All you have to do is open up the app, and tap the ‘+’ button at the bottom. Then paste the link of a website the product is on, and highlight the text or number you want to track. In this case, it’s the price of a product.

The app will allow you to choose whether you want to be notified when the price increases, decreases, crosses a particular threshold, and so on. There are quite a few options to choose from here

There are a number of use cases for this app

You are not limited to prices, though. You can track pretty much anything, in theory, though based on the comments, the app doesn’t really work with anything, so… do take note of that.

The developer says you can use this app to track your Twitter follower number, for example, or finances and stocks. The same goes for YouTube subscribers and views, and so on. Basically anything textual or numerical you can think of.

Another great example is to track when products are in stock. Simply put a tag on the ‘Out of stock’ label on a product, and when that changes, the app will let you know.

The free version does have its limitations

Do note that the app seems to be free, but there are limitations. You can go ahead and get a monthly subscription, annual subscription, or lifetime license, if you want. The price is not low, but if do plan on using this very frequently, it may be worth it for you.

In any case, if you want to try out the app, the link is provided below, along with some official images.

AnyTracker (Google Play Store)

2023-03-03 15:06:56