Street Fighter: Duel envisions the fighting game as a mobile RPG

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Today Capcom in partnership with Crunchyroll games launched its latest title in the Street Fighter franchise, a mobile game called Street Fighter: Duel. Unlike most games in the series, Street Fighter: Duel is not a fighting game. It’s actually an RPG. So gameplay is going to feel a lot different than other Street Fighter games. This isn’t the first time that Capcom has released a non-fighting Street Fighter game.

Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo is a well-known classic from 1996 that you can pick up on the Nintendo Switch right now. And back in 2017 Capcom released a mobile follow-up simply called Puzzle Fighter, although it shuttered the game after only a year. This is however Capcom’s first Street Fighter RPG. Here’s to hoping this game ends up seeing more success than Puzzle Fighter did. Because it’s refreshing to have something fun to play within the Street Fighter universe that doesn’t require either intense practice and skill or chaotic button mashing.

Street Fighter: Duel features over 40 iconic characters and an original story

Street Fighter Duel 2

Street Fighter isn’t exactly known for its stories. At least not when it comes to playing the games. It’s all about the fighting, naturally. That doesn’t mean that there isn’t a story to follow. Thankfully, those who do enjoy the lore of the Street Fighter universe will be happy to know that with this game there is an original story. Players will “travel the globe recruiting friends to take down Shadaloo’s army of mech clones” in what is described as an extensive story mode.

As they travel, players will be able to recruit over 40 iconic characters from across the franchise. This includes Ryu, Chun-li, Blanka, Guile, Ken, Cammy, Dan and many more. Street Fighter: Duel is a free-to-play game and players who give it a try within the first 30 days can get some cool rewards. So if a new take on the franchise sounds fun to you, you can check it out now in the Google Play Store.

2023-03-01 15:05:48