Google AI has invented an Interview Warmup tool that can prepare users for job interviews, Engadget reports.
A job interview can be one of the most stressful parts of getting a new job. Despite having enough skills, many people can not get the job they want because they do not know the interviewing techniques. But Google wants to solve this problem with the help of artificial intelligence.
The company has launched an Interview Warmup tool. The AI asks you some typical questions and then analyzes your voiced or typed responses. In the end, you’ll know how you answered the questions, and the AI will give you feedback on how to improve.
You can use Google AI to prep for job interviews for free
Google AI can prepare job seekers for various roles, and it’s free to use. Also, it tells you when to overuse certain words or spend more time explaining certain topics.
The questions that Interview Warmup asks are divided into general and specialized sections. General questions such as “tell me a bit about yourself” and specialized questions related to the job that the applicant wants. The tool is also designed to help Google Career Certificates users find their next job.
The Interview Warmup is now only available in the US. However, Google wants to expand it to other countries and help more people to do better at job interviews.
There are many companies today that use artificial intelligence to hire people. Increasing employee productivity and monitoring their performance is another AI application in companies.
Moreover, Google is expanding its use of AI among its different services and applications. The company has recently added seven AI tools to Workspace Suite. These new tools are intended to improve usability and security on Workspace.
AI has also created a lot of controversy for Google. In recent years, some key members of the AI team have left Google, saying they couldn’t cope with the company’s policies. Dates back to February, Two members of the Google Ethical AI research group left the company following the dismissals of their colleagues.
2022-05-20 15:06:54