Marketing (24%), IT (21%) and Customer Service (18%) sectors recruit the highest number of interns
Bayt.com, the Middle East’s #1 job site, highlighted the role of internships in career development in new research. The Internships in the MENA survey reveals that employers in the region are offering expanded opportunities for guided learning for interns to gather knowledge and gain transferrable real-world skills. According to the survey, more than 7 in 10 respondents (71%) agree that internships are widely available in the Middle East.
A whopping 92% of professionals believe that internships increase fresh graduates’ chances of getting a job after college. Aligning with the finding, 50% of companies are looking to hire interns in 2022 whilst 77% of companies always or sometimes offer a full-time job to interns after they complete an internship.
Top Hiring Industries
Digital Marketing (24%), Information Technology (21%) and Customer Service (18%) emerged as the top three industries hiring the highest number of interns, followed by HR and Recruiting (15%), Accounting, Banking and Finance (13%) and Graphic Design (8%).
Ola Haddad, Director of Human Resources at Bayt.com says: “Internships provide a viable route to employment with a majority of MENA employers making job offers after the internship has finished. Whilst universities prepare the job-ready new talent and give them the skills they need to compete in an increasingly competitive market, companies have a key role in creating jobs, preparing interns for rewarding careers and driving prosperity and innovation across the region.”
Most In-Demand Skills
As the market for interns is getting more competitive, employers outlined a range of factors that help them make a decision. The key skills employers look for when hiring interns are communication and teamwork skills (60%), creativity (13%), research and analytical skills (12%) and time management skills (10%).
These skills are essential for employment with MENA organizations hiring more interns and working harder to bring them back as employees. For organizations, the key benefits of hiring interns include identifying talent for future positions (78%), completing less demanding projects at low cost (8%), quickly filling temporary and seasonal positions (8%) and having extra help for small teams or departments (7%).
Internships give job seekers a chance to develop work competencies and professional skills and gain experience that would facilitate their academic, career, and personal development. 63% of respondents reveal that their university requires them to complete an internship or any type of practical training. For this reason, 50% would accept an unpaid internship while 50% would choose a paid opportunity only.
Universities also play a crucial role in procuring relevant internships for students by offering job search courses (36%), partnering with companies to create more internship programs (36%), organizing on-campus job fairs (16%) and posting internship opportunities on online job sites (12%).
Data for the Internships in the MENA survey was collected online from April 27 to June 1, 2022. Results are based on a sample of 2,288 respondents from the following countries: UAE, KSA, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Palestine, Syria, Egypt, Yemen, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Sudan among others.