22 Jump Street (2014) is now available to stream on Netflix Canada
It’s a quieter week on Netflix Canada, but there is still an excellent selection of movies and TV shows from the 36 new additions to the Canada library this week.
First of all, here are the past week’s top highlights:
22 Jump Street (2014)
Director: Phil Lord, Christopher Miller
Genre: Action, Comedy | Runtime: 112 Minutes
Cast: Jonah Hill, Channing Tatum, Peter Stormare, Ice Cube, Wyatt Russell
One of the funniest comedies of the year, not many would have foreseen 22 Jump Street being even better than its predecessor.
After their antics, while undercover at high school, partners Schmidt and Jenko are once again sent undercover, but this time they are sent to college to uncover a fraternity’s drug-dealing crime ring.
Lost Ollie (Limited Series) N
Seasons: 1 | Episodes: 4
Genre: Adventure, Drama | Runtime: 45 Minutes
Cast: Jonathan Groff, Jake Johnson, Gina Rodriguez, Tim Blake Nelson, Mary J. Blige
While Netflix may never have the reputation for its animated content like Disney, there’s no denying that the likes of Lost Ollie continue to add to Netflix’s ever-growing library of incredible animation.
A lost toy, searching across the countryside for the boy who lost him, and the story of the boy who lost more than a best friend.
History 101 (Season 2) N
Seasons: 2 | Episodes: 20
Genre: Docuseries, History | Runtime: 20 Minutes
From the GPS, to Credit Cards Dating Apps, and even bottled water, History 101 delivers bite-size lessons about some of humanity’s biggest scientific breakthroughs and world-changing discoveries.
Here Are All of the Latest Additions to Netflix Canada This Week
14 New Movies Added to Netflix Canada This Week: August 26th, 2022
- 22 Jump Street (2014)
- A Cowgirl’s Song (2022)
- Alakada Reloaded (2017)
- Fullmetal Alchemist The Revenge of Scar (2022)
- How to Eat Fried Worms (2006)
- Loving Adults (2022) N
- Me Time (2022) N
- Moms at War (2018)
- New Money (2018)
- Nigerian Prince (2018)
- Seoul Vibe (2022) N
- That’s Amor (2022) N
- The Delivery Boy (2019)
- Watch Out, We’re Mad (2022) N
11 New TV Shows Added to Netflix Canada This Week: August 26th, 2022
- Angry Birds: Summer Madness (Season 3) N
- Chad and JT Go Deep (Season 1)
- Delhi Crime (Season 2) N
- Lost Ollie (Limited Series) N
- Ludik (Season 1) N
- Mo (Season 1) N
- Partner Track (Season 1) N
- Ridley Jones (Season 4) N
- Rilakkuma’s Theme Park Adventure (Limited Series) N
- Superbro (2 Seasons)
- Under Fire (Season 1)
8 New Docuseries and Documentaries Added to Netflix Canada This Week: August 26th, 2022
- Nightmare of the Wolf Bestiary (2021) N
- Running with the Devil: The Wild World of John McAfee (2022) N
- Spaceship Earth (2020)
- The Figo Affair: The Transfer That Changed Football (2022) N
- The Witcher Bestiary (Season 2) N
- Untold: The Rise and Fall of ANDI (2022) N
- A Kidnapping Scandal: The Florence Cassez Affair (Season 1) N
- History 101 (Season 2) N
3 New Reality Shows Added to Netflix Canada This Week: August 26th, 2022
- Drive Hard: The Maloof Way (Season 1) N
- Queer Eye: Brazil (Season 1) N
- Selling The OC (Season 1) N