32 Times An Arnold Schwarzenegger Character Responded With WAY More Force Than Necessary

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Arnold Schwarzenegger has done a lot over the years. He’s been the source of some hilarious out-of-context memes, given the internet some of the wildest commercials, and kicked a whole lot of butt on the big screen. Over the years, his characters like the Terminator, John Kimble, John Matrix, and Dutch have also made a massive impact in the best action movies, even if they sometimes responded with way more force than necessary.

That said, here are 32 times one of Arnie’s characters went a little too far, either physically, verbally, or both!

Arnold Schwarzenegger in Total Recall

(Image credit: Tri-Star Pictures)

The Suitcase Scene (Total Recall)

Total Recall is a wild movie. In fact, it’s one of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s craziest films. One scene that never gets old is the one where Douglas Quaid is trying to get a suitcase that’ll help him remove a device from his nose. But before he can save himself, he tussles with an older lady who stumbled upon it. Sure, she cusses at him, but only after almost pulling her down a flight of stairs.

Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator 2: Judgment Day

(Image credit: Tri-Star Pictures)

When The Terminator Took Out A Bar Full Of Bikers (Terminator 2: Judgment Day)

The T-800 getting his clothes through violent means is a staple of the franchise, but he went all out when getting some biker clothes in the opening of Terminator 2: Judgment Day. The bar fight, the bikers getting whooped, the one dude getting thrown on a hot stove. Ouch!

Arnold Schwarzenegger staring angrily at a kid in Kindergarten Cop

(Image credit: Universal Pictures)

The Time John Kimble Told A Group Of Kids To ‘Shut Up!’ (Kindergarten Cop)

There are two things a teacher should refrain from doing in a classroom: hitting students and yelling at the little kiddos. Luckily, John Kimble remembers the first rule in Kindergarten Cop, but he missed the memo when it came to telling his class to “Shut up!”

Arnold Schwarzenegger in Commando

(Image credit: 20th Century Fox)

When John Matrix Killed A Guy On A Plane And Then Dipped Out During Takeoff (Commando)

Commando is an outrageously violent movie that depicts Arnold Schwarzenegger’s John Matrix going above and beyond to rescue his kidnapped daughter. However, he takes extreme measures to save the day, like the time he snapped a henchman’s neck on an airplane to escape. He could have just knocked the dude out and still gotten off the plane.

Arnold Schwarzenegger in True LIes

(Image credit: 20th Century Fox)

The Classic ‘You’re Fired’ Moment (True Lies)

James Cameron and Arnold Schwarzenegger made some of the best action flicks of all time together, including True Lies, a movie with all kinds of zany violence. Just look at the time Harry Tasker took out terrorist leader Salim Abu Aziz in the final act. He could have just taken him into custody, but nope, he fired him through a building and into a helicopter on a rocket.

Arnold Schwarzenegger in Predator

(Image credit: 20th Century Fox)

The Handshake Turned Arm-Wrestling Match With Dillon (Predator)

Predator is probably the most macho of all the ‘80s action movies, which means we’re going to get some over-the-top scenes left and right. And there are also moments where Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Dutch responds to situations with way more force than needed, like the iconic handshake-turned-arm-wrestling match with Dillon. So unnecessary, but so awesome.

Arnold Schwarzenegger in Batman & Robin

(Image credit: Warner Bros. / DC)

The Time Mr. Freeze Froze A Security Guard Pleading For Mercy (Batman & Robin)

While Mr. Freeze is far from being the most violent or deranged villain Gotham City has ever seen, the version of the big bad in Batman & Robin used excessive force as much as he used terrible puns throughout the 1997 comic book movie. In the beginning, he straight up freezes a security guard begging for mercy, which is just cold.

Arnold Schwarzenegger in The Running Man

(Image credit: TriStar Pictures)

Splitting Buzzsaw In Two (The Running Man)

Yeah, Buzzsaw kind of had it coming in The Running Man, but Ben Richards sending this gameshow villain to an early death was just so much. Imagine being split in half by your own weapon and then having some guy in a leotard joke about it on the way to kill your friends.

Arnold Schwarzenegger in The Terminator

(Image credit: Orion Pictures)

When The Terminator Pulled Out A Punk’s Heart (The Terminator)

The Terminator wasted no time letting audiences know that this wasn’t their granddad’s sci-fi movie. No, it was darker, more action-packed, and a whole lot more violent. Like, remember when the T-800 straight up rips a dude’s heart from his chest? Brutal!

Arnold Schwarzenegger looking intensely in Eraser

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

The Time John ‘Eraser’ Kruger Used A Freezer To Kill A Man (Eraser)

Eraser is one of the Arnold Schwarzenegger movies that doesn’t get talked about enough, which is a shame because it has some bonkers scenes. There’s one sequence in particular where John “Eraser” Kruger snaps a dude’s neck in a freezer like he’s opening a bottle.

James Earl Jones in Conan the Barbarian

(Image credit: Dino De Laurentiis Company)

Thulsa’s Decapitation (Conan The Barbarian)

Okay, Thulsa Doom (played by the late James Earl Jones) wasn’t the nicest of guys and pretty much had it coming. However, his decapitation at the hand of Conan Barbarian was shockingly and unsettlingly violent with not one, not two, but three swings of his sword.

Vernon Wells in Commando

(Image credit: 20th Century Fox)

Impaling Bennett With A Steam Pipe (Commando)

Okay, Commando gave us some of the best Arnold Schwarzenegger lines, but did Bennett really need to be turned into a steam pipe after being impaled? Was it hilarious? Yeah. Was it gruesome? Yes, again. But was it necessary? The jury is still out on that one.

Arnold lying in Commando

(Image credit: 20th Century Fox)

John Kimble’s ‘I Lied’ Speech (Commando)

There are few Arnold Schwarzenegger lines funnier than “I lied” from Commando. Despite being a great one-liner and despite being an unforgettable way of taking care of a sworn enemy, the manner in which John Kimble takes out Sully is so over-top-top and ridiculous. He did deserve it though.

Damon Killian with his arm raised in The Running Man

(Image credit: Paramount Pictures)

The ‘That Hit The Spot’ Scene (The Running Man)

The Running Man finds the perfect balance of absurd action and biting social commentary, and it features some hilariously ridiculous death scenes. One that is just so out there happens when Ben Richards finally gets revenge on Damon Killian by sending him crashing into one of his own signs.

Arnold Schwarzenegger in Batman & Robin

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

When Mr. Freeze Turned Gotham Into A Frozen Nightmare (Batman & Robin)

Freezing large groups of people and entire city centers is kind of Mr. Freeze’s schtick (just look at his name), but that’s no defending the Gotham villain’s actions in Batman & Robin. This guy went from trying to find a way to cure his comatose wife to turning a major metropolitan area into a winter wonderland.

Arnold Schwarzenegger in Commando

(Image credit: 20th Century Fox)

When John Matrix Lifted A Phone Booth Above His Head (Commando)

John Matrix does a little bit of everything in Commando, especially when it comes to beating people up and killing them. Remember the time he was trying to attack Sully and decided that the best way of getting back at him was punching a phone booth and lifting it above his head? Like, what would have happened if no one stepped in to stop him?

Arnold Schwarzenegger in True Lies

(Image credit: 20th Century Fox)

When Harry Tasker Arrests His Wife Then Forces Her To Seduce A Mysterious Man (True Lies)

Bruh, Harry Tasker is lucky Helen didn’t divorce him and leave him in her dust after what he pulled in True Lies. If lying to your wife isn’t bad enough, the Omega Sector agent later arrests her and forces him to seduce a mysterious man (which is actually him) after he caught her having fun with a conman she was convinced was an actual spy. That’s grounds for divorce in at least 37 states.

Arnold Schwarzenegger menacingly stands behind plexiglas in The Terminator.

(Image credit: Orion/MGM)

The Time The Terminator Drove A Car Into A Police Station (The Terminator)

The classic “I’ll be back” line has a rather devastating punchline in The Terminator. When the T-800 can’t get into the police station through normal means, the walking, talking killing machine drives a car into the front desk, killing the poor clerk in the process.

Arnold Schwarzenegger in Kindergarten Cop

(Image credit: Universal Pictures)

The Party Pooper Scene (Kindergarten Cop)

Before John Kimble started yelling at kids in Kindergarten Cop, he was spending his time being a “party pooper” by viciously killing all manner of criminals. In the opening of this hilarious action comedy, a bearded Kimble pretty much kills anyone who looks at him funny or at least gives off a hint that they are some kind of criminal. Anyway, he just comes in blasting!

Arnold Schwarzenegger in Jingle All the Way

(Image credit: 20th Century Fox)

Ted is an undeniable scumbag in Jingle all the Way for preying on Howard Langston’s wife like that, but at least let the guy eat the cookie. This scene in the 1996 holiday-theme family comedy has become one of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s most iconic, but still no need to yell like that.

Arnold Schwarzenegger in Jingle All the Way

(Image credit: 20th Century Fox)

When Howard Langston Fought A Warehouse Of Santas (Jingle All The Way)

Howard Langston is far from being the best husband, dad, neighbor, friend, or human in Jingle All the Way. Throughout the movie, he takes things way too far in an attempt to make up for being a distant and distracted father all those years. But fighting a warehouse full of Santas? Come on, Howard, save that energy for Ted.

Arnold Schwarzenegger in Conan the Barbarian

(Image credit: Universal Pictures / 20th Century Fox)

When Conan Turned The Tables On A Vulture (Conan The Barbarian)

Conan the Barbarian is a wild, fantastical, and violent movie, but what more do you expect from John Milius? One of the most ridiculously violent scenes in the movie comes when Conan is being crucified on the Tree of Woe. As a vulture is picking away at the dying warrior, Conan grabs ahold of the bird and eats him. He could simply yell at him to go away, but nope, he eats him. Violently at that.

Arnold Schwarzenegger in Predator

(Image credit: Twentieth Century Fox)

The Time Dutch Threw A Knife And Let A Soldier Slowly Bleed Out (Predator)

A lot of people forget that the first chunk of Predator sees Dutch and company make quick work of a group of soldiers deep in the rainforest. That means, there’s probably a large group of people who have completely forgotten about the time Dutch threw a knife into a soldier’s chest and let the man slowly bleed out in agony.

Arnold Schwarzenegger in The Running Man

(Image credit: Tri-Star Pictures)

Ben Richards Telling Damon Killian How He’s Going To Kill Him (The Running Man)

Ben Richards telling Damon Killian, in no uncertain terms, that he’s going to kill him, is one of the most straightforward and forceful ways of trying to intimidate a villain we’ve ever seen. And while Ben is a lot of things, a liar he is not, as Damon finds out before the credits roll.

Arnold Schwarzenegger in End of Days

(Image credit: Universal Pictures)

When Jericho Cane Told The Devil He Was A ‘Choir Boy’ (End Of Days)

Not every Arnold Schwarzenegger character has had to resort to acts of violence to make a villain quiver in his boots, and that includes Jericho Cane (talk about a great movie name) from End of Days. Remember the time he told the devil that the actual prince of darkness, the fallen angel, lucifer himself was a “choir boy” compared to him? He didn’t have to put the burn on the guy like that.

Arnold Schwarzenegger in Raw Deal

(Image credit: De Laurentiis Entertainment Group)

Joseph P. Brenner Telling Monique She Shouldn’t ‘Drink And Bake’ (Raw Deal)

Admittedly, Raw Deal is an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie that is often overlooked. And that’s a crying shame because it has some of the wildest and most brutal lines from the action star. But nothing comes close to the scene where Joseph P. Brenner gets snippy with his wife and tells her she “shouldn’t drink and bake” after throwing a cake at him.

Arnold Schwarzenegger in Eraser

(Image credit: Warner Bros. Pictures)

The ‘You’ve Just Been Erased’ Scene (Eraser)

Want to talk cold-blooded? Well, look no further than Eraser when John Kruger fakes his own death and orchestrates a plot to get revenge on Robert DeGuerin. How does he do it? Well, he has the villain’s limo stop on a train track, and just before the train comes crashing into him, Kruger says ‘You’ve just been erased.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines

(Image credit: Warner Bros. Pictures)

When The Terminator Told The Gas Station Clerk To ‘Talk To The Hand’ (Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines)

Is Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines a good movie? No, far from it. But it does have one of the sassiest and most unnecessary Arnold Schwarzenegger moments of all time. There’s a scene when the killing machine sent from the future tells a gas station clerk to “talk to the hand.” Like, why did that need to happen?

Arnold Schwarzenegger in Total Recall

(Image credit: TriStar Pictures)

The ‘Divorce’ Scene (Total Recall)

Like a lot of the other great ‘90s action movies, Total Recall is a series of one unforgettable scene after another. For example, there’s the moment partway through the movie when Douglas Quaid finds out his wife is actually a secret agent and tells her he wants a divorce before killing her. Like what?

Arnold Schwarzenegger in Commando

(Image credit: 20th Century Fox)

The Garden Shed Scene (Commando)

One of the most shockingly violent moments in all of Commando takes place during the garden shed sequence when John Matrix is taking on all kinds of mercs. He takes out one with a pitchfork, another with a saw blade, a guy with an axe, and then chops off the remaining soldier’s arm with a machete.

Arnold Schwarzegger in his first film Hercules in New York

(Image credit: Filmpartners, RAF Industries)

The Time Hercules Fought A Bear (Hercules In New York)

Remember Hercules in New York, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s first movie? Well, you’re missing out because he fights a bear. Yep, a bear.

Arnold Schwarzenegger in Last Action Hero

(Image credit: Columbia Pictures)

Pretty Much The Entire Movie (Last Action Hero)

Last Action Hero has built a cult following over the course of the past 30 years, and people are finally starting to appreciate John McTiernan’s satirical action flick. Instead of including one, two, or three examples of Jack Slater using excessive force, we’ll just point out that he’s unnecessarily forceful in his attacks from start to finish.

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