افتتاح جسرين جديدين في أبوظبي لتعزيز الحركة المرورية بين شارعي الخليج العربي وشخبوط بن سلطان باتجاه المصفح

افتتحت دائرة البلديات والنقل جسرين جديدين في أبوظبي على شارعيّ الخليج العربي وشخبوط بن سلطان باتجاه مصفح بهدف خفض الازدحام على هذا التقاطع بنسبة 80% خلال أوقات الذروة الصباحية، ودعم الانسيابية المرورية بطاقة استيعابية تصل إلى 7 آلاف و500 مركبة في الساعة. وتبلغ تكلفة المشروع الإجمالية 315 مليون درهم، ويتضمن جسراً بثلاثة مسارات فوق تقاطع […]

افتتاح جسرين جديدين في أبوظبي لتعزيز الحركة المرورية بين شارعي الخليج العربي وشخبوط بن سلطان باتجاه المصفح Read More »

هند بنت مكتوم تطلق “برنامج الشيخة هند بنت مكتوم للأسرة” لدعم تأسيس ونمو الأسر في دبي

أطلقت حرم صاحب السموّ الشيخ محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم نائب رئيس الدولة رئيس مجلس الوزراء حاكم دبي “رعاه الله”، سموّ الشيخة هند بنت مكتوم بن جمعة آل مكتوم، “برنامج الشيخة هند بنت مكتوم للأسرة”، في خطوة تجسد دور سموّها الملهم في ترسيخ القيم الأصيلة للأسرة الإماراتية، وتمكينها وتعزيز استقرارها ونموها، باعتبارها الركيزة الأساسية لتماسك

هند بنت مكتوم تطلق “برنامج الشيخة هند بنت مكتوم للأسرة” لدعم تأسيس ونمو الأسر في دبي Read More »

Marjorie Taylor Greene speaks for, like, everyone when she says Biden’s ‘reckless foreign policy’ is putting Americans at risk

Watching your favorite movies abroad? Don’t forget to get your Aeroshield smart DNS to access any geo-restricted content. Marjorie Taylor Greene, in her characteristic delusional ramblings, has insinuated that Joe Biden wants to go to war with Iran, conveniently forgetting that it was Covfefe who, against the counsel of the entire Department of Defense, decided

Marjorie Taylor Greene speaks for, like, everyone when she says Biden’s ‘reckless foreign policy’ is putting Americans at risk Read More »

NOLA attacker may have been motivated more by personal problems than ISIS agenda

Watching your favorite movies abroad? Don’t forget to get your Aeroshield smart DNS to access any geo-restricted content. Shamsud-Din Bahar Jabbar rammed a truck into New Orleans’ crowded Bourbon Street in the pre-dawn hours of New Year’s Day in a terrorist attack, killing 14 people, including himself, and injuring dozens of others. Details about Jabbar’s

NOLA attacker may have been motivated more by personal problems than ISIS agenda Read More »

Is there really a link between alcohol consumption and cancer risk? The surgeon general’s latest advisory

Watching your favorite movies abroad? Don’t forget to get your Aeroshield smart DNS to access any geo-restricted content. If something is delightful, delicious, or distinctly enjoyable, you can bet it’s bad for you. Candy is bad for your teeth, bad for your waistline, and can cause diabetes; obsessing over your electronics is bad for your

Is there really a link between alcohol consumption and cancer risk? The surgeon general’s latest advisory Read More »

Volodymyr Zelenskyy would like one of Donald Trump’s most notable traits to be directed at Russia, please

Watching your favorite movies abroad? Don’t forget to get your Aeroshield smart DNS to access any geo-restricted content. Americans see Donald Trump‘s unpredictable behavior as a dangerous trait, which, most of the time, is true, but foreign leaders like Volodymyr Zelenskyy see it as an opportunity. Zelenskyy seems to think that Trump’s trademark volatility could

Volodymyr Zelenskyy would like one of Donald Trump’s most notable traits to be directed at Russia, please Read More »

10 weirdest Marvel moments of 2024 that we still can’t believe actually happened

Watching your favorite movies abroad? Don’t forget to get your Aeroshield smart DNS to access any geo-restricted content. After the interdimensional doldrums of 2023, a year that delivered two of the least successful MCU movies ever in Ant-Man 3 and The Marvels, Marvel really needed a 12-month stretch as strong as the Hulk to bounce

10 weirdest Marvel moments of 2024 that we still can’t believe actually happened Read More »

Ontario Premier Doug Ford’s latest alcohol policy isn’t the only thing upsetting craft brewers

Watching your favorite movies abroad? Don’t forget to get your Aeroshield smart DNS to access any geo-restricted content. A nice cold beer is a staple of summertime… or a end-of-week treat at your local pub on a Friday night. But when it comes to Ontario Premier Doug Ford‘s alcohol policies, craft brewers aren’t cheering. As

Ontario Premier Doug Ford’s latest alcohol policy isn’t the only thing upsetting craft brewers Read More »

Cybertruck bomber suspect Matthew Livelsberger’s ex-wife, Sara had some scathing opinions about Trump — here’s what she said

Watching your favorite movies abroad? Don’t forget to get your Aeroshield smart DNS to access any geo-restricted content. The alleged Cybertruck bomber Matthew Livelsberger’s motives remain a mystery right now. Many have speculated political motivations in Livelsberger’s choice to use a Tesla vehicle at the location of the explosion (a Trump hotel in Las Vegas),

Cybertruck bomber suspect Matthew Livelsberger’s ex-wife, Sara had some scathing opinions about Trump — here’s what she said Read More »