August 2024

عبدالله بن زايد ووزير خارجية إسبانيا يبحثان هاتفيا تعزيز العلاقات الثنائية بين البلدين

بحث سمو الشيخ عبدالله بن زايد آل نهيان نائب رئيس مجلس الوزراء وزير الخارجية، خلال اتصال هاتفي اليوم مع معالي خوسيه مانويل ألباريس وزير خارجية مملكة إسبانيا، سبل تعزيز العلاقات الثنائية ومسارات التعاون المشترك بين البلدين في المجالات كافة ومنها الاقتصادية والتجارية.  واستعرض الوزيران، مجمل القضايا ذات الاهتمام المشترك وتبادلا الرؤى بشأنها، وأكد سمو الشيخ […]

عبدالله بن زايد ووزير خارجية إسبانيا يبحثان هاتفيا تعزيز العلاقات الثنائية بين البلدين Read More »

شرطة دبي تطور “كرسي رماية” مخصص لأصحاب الهمم

نجحت شرطة دبي في تطوير وتصنيع كرسي رماية مخصص للاعبي الرماية بالبندقية من أصحاب الهمم، تم تسجيله “تصنيف فكري” واعتماده من قبل الاتحاد الدولي للرماية، ويعتبر هذا الإنجاز خطوة هامة نحو تحقيق مشاركة فعالة لأصحاب الهمم في جميع مجالات الحياة، بما فيها الرياضة. جاء ذلك في إطار جهودها المستمرة لدعم أصحاب الهمم، وبناءً على توجيهات

شرطة دبي تطور “كرسي رماية” مخصص لأصحاب الهمم Read More »

When is ‘The Bachelorette’ season 21 finale and why is it not airing on its usual day?

Watching your favorite movies abroad? Don’t forget to get your Aeroshield smart DNS to access any geo-restricted content. Fans of season 21 of The Bachelorette who’ve emptied their schedule on Monday nights to catch the show on ABC, will have to clear their calendars for a different night to catch the finale. In a less

When is ‘The Bachelorette’ season 21 finale and why is it not airing on its usual day? Read More »

Jonathan Bailey collecting hot nerd roles like they’re Infinity Stones can only mean one thing for Marvel

Watching your favorite movies abroad? Don’t forget to get your Aeroshield smart DNS to access any geo-restricted content. Jonathan Bailey is having one heck of a year. On top of returning to Bridgerton for its smash-hit third season and starring in Wicked, one of 2024’s most-anticipated films, he’s also in the midst of filming what

Jonathan Bailey collecting hot nerd roles like they’re Infinity Stones can only mean one thing for Marvel Read More »

How much did the ‘Lord of the Rings’ actors make?

Watching your favorite movies abroad? Don’t forget to get your Aeroshield smart DNS to access any geo-restricted content. No amount of remakes, prequels, or spin-offs will ever match up to the originals — the iconic film trilogy that launched The Lord of the Rings to new heights. It was already the most enduringly popular story in

How much did the ‘Lord of the Rings’ actors make? Read More »

Taylor Swift already gave the mother of all Easter eggs about a possible Kamala Harris endorsement and everybody missed it

Watching your favorite movies abroad? Don’t forget to get your Aeroshield smart DNS to access any geo-restricted content. Celebrity endorsements might not seem as consequential for political candidates as those from former presidents and state governors, but there’s data to suggest that a celebrity’s endorsement often leads their fandom — which can include millions of

Taylor Swift already gave the mother of all Easter eggs about a possible Kamala Harris endorsement and everybody missed it Read More »

JD Vance boo’ed: His Firefighter’s Union speech, explained

Watching your favorite movies abroad? Don’t forget to get your Aeroshield smart DNS to access any geo-restricted content. When he appeared at the International Association of Firefighters (IAFF) conference in late August, Republican Vice Presidential nominee J.D. Vance was greeted differently than Tim Walz, Vance’s Democratic counterpart, who spoke to the union one day earlier.

JD Vance boo’ed: His Firefighter’s Union speech, explained Read More »

Attention: Donald Trump says Fox polls are ‘Rigged and Worthless’ now that he’s losing to Kamala Harris. When he was winning, they were legit. Make sense?

Watching your favorite movies abroad? Don’t forget to get your Aeroshield smart DNS to access any geo-restricted content. RIGGED! WORTHLESS! UNFAIR! FAKE! WITCH HUNT! These are the building blocks of Donald Trump‘s alternate reality, the foundation upon which he constructs his towering ego and his house of lies. He likes to sprinkle them liberally over

Attention: Donald Trump says Fox polls are ‘Rigged and Worthless’ now that he’s losing to Kamala Harris. When he was winning, they were legit. Make sense? Read More »