April 2023

طقس الغد غائم جزئيا مع احتمال سقوط أمطار خفيفة

توقع (المركز الوطني للأرصاد) أن يكون الطقس غدا غائما جزئيا وغائما أحياناً خاصة على بعض المناطق الغربية والجنوبية مع احتمال سقوط أمطار خفيفة، والرياح خفيفة إلى معتدلة السرعة تنشط أحياناً مثيرة للغبار. الرياح جنوبية شرقية – شمالية غربية من10 الى 25 تصل 35 كم ساعة و الخليج العربي خفيف الموج ويحدث المد الأول عند الساعه […]

طقس الغد غائم جزئيا مع احتمال سقوط أمطار خفيفة Read More »

Warner Bros. laying some of the blame for ‘Shazam! Fury of the Gods’ bombing directly at James Gunn’s door

Watching your favorite movies abroad? Don’t forget to get your Aeroshield smart DNS to access any geo-restricted content. via Warner Bros. Sifting through the wreckage left behind by Shazam! Fury of the Gods doesn’t make for encouraging reading, with the superhero sequel suffering the distinction of going down in the history books as one of

Warner Bros. laying some of the blame for ‘Shazam! Fury of the Gods’ bombing directly at James Gunn’s door Read More »

A minor modern masterpiece threatening to be remade by Sylvester Stallone catches a killer on streaming

Watching your favorite movies abroad? Don’t forget to get your Aeroshield smart DNS to access any geo-restricted content. via Kiwi Media Group Having starred in one of the worst remakes ever made when he took on Get Carter – something he’ll happily admit to – you’d have thought Sylvester Stallone would be wary of rehashing

A minor modern masterpiece threatening to be remade by Sylvester Stallone catches a killer on streaming Read More »

J.K. Rowling responds to calls for ‘Harry Potter’ TV series boycott by sipping on expensive champagne

Watching your favorite movies abroad? Don’t forget to get your Aeroshield smart DNS to access any geo-restricted content. Photo by Cindy Ord/WireImage, When you’re as rich as J.K. Rowling, you’re inclined not to give a damn what the mere mortals think, and that’s been proven true once again as the controversial author unsurprisingly revealed that

J.K. Rowling responds to calls for ‘Harry Potter’ TV series boycott by sipping on expensive champagne Read More »

Paying Jonathan Majors $20 million to fight the Avengers is beginning to look Marvel’s biggest financial mistake

Watching your favorite movies abroad? Don’t forget to get your Aeroshield smart DNS to access any geo-restricted content. via Marvel Studios The more time passes without Marvel issuing an official statement on the allegations dogging Jonathan Majors, it becomes increasingly likely that the studio is destined to cut ties with the current big bad of

Paying Jonathan Majors $20 million to fight the Avengers is beginning to look Marvel’s biggest financial mistake Read More »

An unexplainably successful dumpster fire of a crime caper jumps bail and flees onto the Netflix charts

Watching your favorite movies abroad? Don’t forget to get your Aeroshield smart DNS to access any geo-restricted content. via Sony By all accounts, a universally-panned movie that scraped together a Rotten Tomatoes score of 12 percent and landed Razzie nominations for Worst Picture, Worst Actor, Worst Actress, and Worst Screen Couple wouldn’t stand out as

An unexplainably successful dumpster fire of a crime caper jumps bail and flees onto the Netflix charts Read More »

The latest Zack Snyder conspiracy ignores James Gunn to credit him for the ‘Star Wars’ sequel trilogy instead

Watching your favorite movies abroad? Don’t forget to get your Aeroshield smart DNS to access any geo-restricted content. via Warner Bros. You’ve got to hand it to Zack Snyder‘s most dedicated fanatics, who love nothing more to hype up their exalted leader any opportunity they get, even if one half of the internet treats “Zack

The latest Zack Snyder conspiracy ignores James Gunn to credit him for the ‘Star Wars’ sequel trilogy instead Read More »

Vladimir Putin smugly celebrates beating Tom Cruise to shooting the first movie in outer space

Watching your favorite movies abroad? Don’t forget to get your Aeroshield smart DNS to access any geo-restricted content. via Universal Having made it his mission to risk life and limb every time he steps onto a film set in the name of nothing but entertaining audiences around the world, it was only a matter of

Vladimir Putin smugly celebrates beating Tom Cruise to shooting the first movie in outer space Read More »

The completely unnecessary and abhorrently awful remake of an all-time action classic reheats on Disney Plus

Watching your favorite movies abroad? Don’t forget to get your Aeroshield smart DNS to access any geo-restricted content. via CBS Action movies get remade all the time – even classics that should be left well alone – but deciding to breathe new life into one of the greatest ever made that hailed from the genre

The completely unnecessary and abhorrently awful remake of an all-time action classic reheats on Disney Plus Read More »